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"Miss Karsi, they're here!" My boy shouts, pulling my shirt, "They're here!"

"Really? You going?"

"Ah? I..," And shakes his head, "No, I... don't wanna leave you all alone..."

"Come on, don't worry about that, I'll take care of things here."

"You sure?"

"Yeah! You have your sharpie, right?"

He nods, happy, excited and filled with nerves all over his small body.

"Go then or you won't have your autograph! Come on! Run!"

So, with fists filled with courage and a nod, he runs straight there, to those two promised heroes finally joining us.

Although of course he's not the only one who's dying to go and have a look, and all my boys trying to see tell me so.

"Why are you still here?" I say, hands on my waist. "You're not welcoming your heroes or what?"

"But.., who will take care of the cupcakes?" Says one of all my other boys.

"I'll handle it, come on, go see."

"You sure, Miss Karsavina?"

"If you ask that one more time I may change my mind, you brat."

With that all my babies chuckle, and so rush to run into all that people crowded and shouting for their heroes. Dynamight and Deku sure are making a show right now, they came right after work with their costumes on.

I'm right now at the cupcakes stall, at least until Yachi gets here from work. After that I'll be at the car wash, a nice cheerleader suit will for sure make a lot of money.

So, in the meantime, I take care of the sale. Almost everyone's there receiving the guests, so I'm good without my assistants yet.

However, after a while people start to get me busy, and my bunch of kids finally seems to be back; with a happy, bright smile and a very sure story to tell.

"Sorry, Miss Karsavina!" They all say, getting right away to their stall.

"God, thank heaven my boys are back" I say. "How's everything up there? Could you say hi to them?"

"We could, yes!" Someone shouts; "We had a photo with hero Deku and Dynamight! Can you believe it, Miss Karsavina?! It was amazing!"

I laugh, thanking at the same time my costumers, everyone listening and leaving with a big smile because of all my babies. "For real? Tell me everything!"

"It all started when we all got there, it was super crowded and we couldn't see them at all, it was all a chaos, Miss Karsi" Says one, hands going up and down to dramatize. "But then Mr. Bokuto got there too and yelled at everyone to move cuz we were the stars of the club."

"Everyone moved aside like magic!"

"Aha, Mr. Bokuto talked to Hero Deku and he saw us all, and you know what he said next? He thanked us for having inviting them! God, I felt like the most important person in the world."

"Then Hero Dynamight said 'Hey, you bunch of brats'" Trying to imitate the voice, "'Take someone's phone so you have a photo or something, this is a lifetime chance.'"

I let out such a laugh even all the people here laugh too, all the kiddos nodding quickly to confirm that's just what happened. "You did the photo then? Was it good?"

"Meh" One says, shrugging. "Mr. Bokuto had the cellphone so.., he tried, at least."

I laugh again. It's so funny to imagine how blurry nine out of ten must've turned out.

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Where stories live. Discover now