twenty-three. (extra)

77 5 1

I can't believe I'm here now.

I can't believe I can finally end with all the doubts, the questions, the unknown...

I can't believe that bitch is finally leaving my head.

I'm nervous. I am really, really nervous, I... I swear I've never felt myself shaking this much, with such a big knot in my stomach, with my heart about to stop working.

I know it's gonna be fine though.

I trust Sero has told the truth, and the three men here with me will also know how to take care of everything while I do this.

I have ten whole minutes, with two extra to begin to be traceable, though I'm not taking that risk.

The contact for a new number registered as "Koa" is on the screen, and it's literally the only thing here, cause after that this will disappear.

All I have to do is click there, right on the name and hope everything gets to be fine, in here and on the other side of the world.

"He's been waiting for you for two minutes now" Sero says, in just a whisper, but enough for me and everyone here waiting for me. "They have the time on their back too, so it's gotta be now."

I swallow the biggest lump I swear I never felt before. I hold so, so tight the hand of this man here; I tighten my lips, take strength from my heart and, letting some salt water out from my eyes due to a pure and complete nervousness...

I just let myself touch there, to start this countdown with no turning back.

It rings in my ears, and I hear it as loud as I'm in a bell tower; stunning me, even swearing it could make me faint at any time.

I don't know how many of them are heard. I don't know if it was only one, or a hundred, but before I could even process it, someone was already talking to me.


I have no voice, I have no heart, I don't even have the strength to move my lips and respond to a voice I swore to God I thought I would never hear again in my life.

"Koa?" Says Sero, in my place, approaching the phone to speak for me.

"Yeah, I.., damn, I thought.., I thought you wouldn't call..."

"What? I swore you'd have this chance, bro" He tells him, even his lips smile. "And here I am."

"Yeah, I.., I know, bro, I just.., shit, this whole thing drove me so crazy, it felt like a damn eternity. I.., I guess there's not that much of time and.., and I don't know if you could get my shortie to talk to me..."

My hands shake now so much. I can't keep them still, even though Deku's helping me a lot by giving some tact and controlling all the damn anxiety that won't stop running through me.

I can't. I can't talk, I don't.., I don't have a voice...

And he knows well. Sero does, when he forces me to talk by saying to him;

"She's here, Koa. She's listening to you right now."

Silence's flued all over the room. From right here and all over the word: I can almost swear silence has never been heard louder than right here, right now.

Therefore, when someone cuts that...

It felt like a lifetime. Such a lifetime without hearing that voice...

I just...

When one single word is said by the person I love the most, in this whole world...

I swear to God I can hear absolutely everything over again.

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Where stories live. Discover now