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Sitting down on one of the park benches, you sip up your boba tea, gazing into the distance once again. The new white lilies, requested by Pure Vanilla himself truly added a great touch to the area, it cleared your mind, letting it rest as you listen to music with air pods.

Then, you saw him. The same cookie with white and coffee brown hair. This time you had the time to confront him, no rush. Calmly, you put your cap back on the boba tea, place it in your handbag and move towards the cookie.

He notices you at 2 feet away, backing up surprised ( scared ) as you get closer, sitting down on the bench right next to him.

"Hello, do you remember me?"

"Me I- uh I mean, we bumped into each other earlier-"

You tightened your grip over your handbag, getting angrier.

"I know that you know you were staring at me earlier!! Explain why!"

"Ooohh, you're upset about that.?"

His expression turns to a slight smirk, but you couldn't tell.

"I was staring at the order sign, directly behind you. I looked away after noticing you were looking at me, and I didn't want to seem creepy."

The color half drained your face from colors, you felt terrible for this cookie all the sudden, if you had just calmed down, been less overdramatic, this cookie's feelings could've been spared.

"Oh, my gosh- I'm so so so so sorry!!! I didn't- I mean I wasn't- Aghh, I should've paid more attention, I really am sorry. What's your name? I can get you a drink-"

"It's all fine, no need to spend your coins on me. I'm Affogato Cookie, you?"

"Y/N, and you sure?"

Affogato nods his head quickly, now a visible smile on his face.

"Do you want to talk a bit? I don't have to get back home until 9:30 PM, plus I'm kinda lonely-"


You both start up a conversation about new experiences in the kingdom, talking about the time Custard was deemed king, the Red Velvet Dragon attack, interesting items, casual talk. You notice how much you enjoy talking to Affogato, he was always flexible, and respected your opinions on certain topics, he also never minded when you rambled on and on about something, and always listened and understood you. Kind fellow, one that you really don't see every day.

"Hey uh, could I ask you something really quickly?"

"Go right ahead, no rush."

You squeeze your hands together, you knew he would listen to you, but it's always scary to ask things, especially to folks you don't know very well.

"Are you... familiar with 'Love'?"

Affogato fell silent, of course since it was a sudden and big question. He looked to the side for a second, most likely thinking, then turned back around to face you.

"Technically speaking, yes. But what do you mean, and where are you going with this?"

"Uh- well, I just- don't know much about it- ok I'll come clean.. There's a cookie named Almond who in a few simple words, made me feel like a million gems. I felt like I wanted to see him again after he left and be with him forever. I don't know if I grew a friendship, or I like him. Any ideas.?"

Affogato didn't respond, he looked as if someone crept inside of him and stole his emotions, he just stared at me. A small shadow fell over his face as he looked down at the ground, letting out a small breath that I knew he was holding in.

"I don't suggest falling this easily. If you're too naïve someone could use you in a way to manipulate and hurt you. Keep the friendship up if you like but stay alert."

This answer surprised you. When you started talking to Affogato, he was sweet, and funny, but now he gave off a bit of a dangerous aura, something telling you to run. You reconsidered this as him just warning you of dangers, he was only looking after you, nothing else. You both sat in silence, watching the amber and golden sky turn to black and a deep blue, white stars trickling here and there, making shapes in different areas. You check your phone to see that it was 9:24.

"Oh shit, I have to go, thank you so much for talking with me!!"

You get up in a haste, waving vigorously behind you dashing to the neighborhood. Hopefully the pizza didn't burn yet.

"If you fall this easily, I may have a better chance at getting you my sweet love..."

Affogato chuckled to himself quietly, tucking in his pocket unidentified objects. Hell knows where he's going, but one thing for certain, someone's not going to make it to see the next day.

✧𝓜𝔂 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮..✧ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now