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You await for Almond to notify you, but he never did. You didn't even see him today, weird.. You quietly munch on your lunch burrito, checking your phone.

"Almond Cookie? Are you there? You said you would notify me today.."

He didn't respond, nor did he even read the text, and I started to get nervous. Sure he was old and didn't use technology often, but he would remember if he was struggling with it. He would at least text me if he finished the case..

Why am I so obsessed with him??

I decide not to let it bother me too much. If he doesn't show up tomorrow, then I could start getting worried. I brush off the fall leaves off my shoulders, and texted one of my friends that lived nearby, asking if I could hang out with them.

-Affogato pov kinda-

I peak around the corner, of course Y/N is there.

They seemed slightly stressed, looking around nervously, possibly for a specific someone? Whatever the case, they also looked sad, and I could never just stand by and watch them knowing they aren't happy. I walk over, Y/N turns around and jumps in surprise. I smile at them, re-introducing myself

"Hello there Y/N!! I was just passing by when I noticed you"

"O-oh, hey Affogato!"

Y/N's voice sounded weak, making it more obvious that they were frustrated about something.

"Is something the matter? You look concerned about something.."

"Well- It's really nothing, I should've listened to you.. One of my friends, if you remember him, Almond recently stopped texting me, and I didn't see him anywhere throughout the streets. I'm a bit worried.."

I push out a slightly stern face. Of course, they'd be concerned about that
useless detective. It's stupid how worried cookies get with those they just met, irritating in fact.

"Perhaps he's ignoring you? I wouldn't know what happened to him.."

"He just- doesn't seem the type to do so! Sorry, I'm overthinking this.. Do you want to get a popsicle or something?"

"Of course- sure!! I would love to"

I nervously fiddle with my fingers (bitch you don't have any), I forgot the feeling of being taken out to get food, it was an amazing feeling that made my heart explode with happiness. Thankfully for me, Y/N didn't notice. They put their phone back in their hoodie pocket, and walked off, motioning me to follow. We walk down the slightly crowded streets, cookies mumbling random words and conversations, but I can barley hear them over the fast-beating pace of my heart. Eventually, the streets became so crowded, Y/N felt that they needed to hold my hand to insure I was still there, I practically stopped breathing, I'm not quite familiar with physical contact, usually disliking it, however this was different. I squeezed their warm hand, letting it soak into my freezing dough, the warmth filling my body and heart pushing it to let my muscles loosen up.

I smile, this time it wasn't fake. The fact that Y/N is willing to hold my hand to get through something, it burns up my face. Heh, they truly are oblivious, I've blushed many times in front of them, yet they've never noticed. Good for me I suppose?


Almond is going to get reported tomorrow, it's unknown what they're reaction is going to be exactly, but I can practice for each one I think of.


✧𝓜𝔂 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮..✧ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now