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"Teach you plant magic? I don't know everything, but I'll teach you what I can! Spring break can get lonely fast since I'm a teacher, so I'm glad you asked darling."

I beamed with happiness, trying not to seem too eager.

"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to use the knowledge for good!"

To me, I sounded quite confident. I was proud of myself for choosing to help someone, even if it involved having to learn an entire new topic.

Latte giggle at my excitement,

"Hehe~, well I'm sure you will! Now follow me, I need a proper area to teach."

I followed Latte off to a sidewalk, I didn't exactly recognize the place, but I do remember it being close to the Parfaedia Institute. Story goes that Creampuff had graduated from that school and became a powerful wizard, that with the help of others, defeated a whole dragon.

Latte began to make small talk, a simple conversation around myths and legends. I personally didn't know she was invested in them, but since spring break had started to feel oddly long, she might've used that time to read about them. As our conversation went on, I realized how much of a mother-figure she was.

She made it easy to talk to her, and comforting as well. She would also make sassy jokes here and there, keeping my attention easily. But at the same time, I could sense how much she cared about younger cookies, when she described battling alongside Creampuff, she always made complements about how brave/strong the small wizard was, mentioning the small fear inside of her the entire time, that Creampuff would get hurt in some way.

It made me miss my own parents, and even a bit jealous of Creampuff that she'd get such a great teacher/mentor. But I guess I did get my own chance at seeing what she teaches like.

8 minutes go by like a flash, and we arrive on the inside of the Institute. It looked magical (because it is dimwit-), the beige brown walls had small stars on them, and the lights looked like their own separate planet, making each one seem special, different, but so similar to the rest. The doors to the classrooms were each labeled with their own special flair.

Espresso's Coffee Magic class had a clear and bold font, beans of coffee and small sparks of fire circled around the words. It was simple, yet fancy and easy to look at.

Éclair's History class had a poetic and slightly hard to read font, however a smaller duplicate without the hard to read font was directly under it. Doodles of books, quills, sparkles, notes, and stickers of dragons circled around the main frame, a bit crowded, yet it gave off so much emotion.

Latte's Latte Magic and Math class was written in a beautiful font, one that you wouldn't find on anything simple. Lattes and math equations circled around the words like the rest, however hers seemed to radiate its own energy.

"You teach math as well?"

"Mhm! Usually students sign up for the magic, though I can't blame them, math gets complicated fast! More complicated than any type of Latte magic I know."

We enter a small classroom, it seems pretty stereotypical, and close to what you would see in anime's. There were a few things that stood out however, the small coffee machines on each desk, a cupboard for what seems like notebooks, and even a small testing area in front.

I had never been in such a proper class for magic, hell there weren't even any magic classes back at home! So to me, this was such a exciting sight, even if I wasn't going to be here for too long.

"Cmon, take a seat! Now let's see here, what form of plant magic would you like to attempt?"

(I have a hc that all magics have their own forms, ex: magic rear, magic front, magic healing/support, things like that. Plant magic is a type of magic healing, and can be taken a few ways, healing others, healing plants, growing plants, shielding others, growing anything poisonous, shielding plants.)

(Right now Y/N wants to be shielding plants)

"Ah, uh- shielding plants!"

"Do you mind telling me why? Nothing to pressure you on if you don't want to tell, I'm just curious."

I take a moment to think, even though it happened literally 15 minutes ago.

"Well, there's a cookie in my neighborhood who was upset due to the fact that his plants wouldn't make it through summer, and I just wanted to help since I felt bad..!"

"Aww, how sweet of you! I believe that the cookie you're talking about is named Herb, correct? I was beginning to think that something was bugging him, but he never told me, so thank you for helping him out!"

Latte brought out a thick book titled 'Plant magic of all forms', and handed the book to me.

"Now, even though I haven't taught you anything, I want you to try without me giving any help, just to give me a hint on where you are with the knowledge so far..."


"Go ahead! I'm confident you got it this time!"

I flick my wrist towards the small flower in the middle, and draw a half circle with my finger around it. With a final snap, I nod towards Latte, who then brings out a small flame from her hand, and lightly tosses it at the plant.

I felt my own smile form as I watched the flame bounce and melt away from the plant, like it had it's own forcefield. I could see that Latte was happy as well, clapping for me, while congratulating the large progress.

"Great job Y/N!! You're a really fast learner."

"Haha, thanks! And thank you as well for putting aside time to teach me, really, I'm extremely grateful."

"No problem dear! It fills me with joy to be able to teach such an eager student! And don't forget, since your first plan was to use the knowledge to help out my friend, Herb.."

Latte pulls out a small empty glass jar from one of her desk cabinets, and opens the lid. Placing a single leaf inside. I circle around the small leaf with my index finger easily, and watch as golden dust forms around the leaf. Latte closes the lid and hands me the jar filled with the dust.

"You can hand that to him, say sprinkle a pinch of it onto his plants at least once or twice a week during the winter. And hey, I believe that means our class is over! Good job!"

"Again, thank you so much for your help, I wouldn't have been able to help him in the first place without knowing you were such a great teacher!"

She grins with warmth; I can tell that she really did enjoy having me as a student. I smile back, before saying my goodbyes and heading out.

I look down back at the jar full of golden dust, in my understanding, it should make any plant resistant to nearly anything for 4 months.

It's truly impressive, and if someone like Latte could perform this skill as easy as creating a cup of coffee, where did I come in in this?

Sure, I did offer my help, but if I didn't, Latte would help anyways, did I really have a part? Or was I just butting into other cookies lives..?


No, I shouldn't think like that, I'm making friends, and helping as soon as I can, that's good enough.

My mind trails off as my body seems to go on auto-pilot mode, steering me around back to the neighborhood. And eventually, I see him again.

"Hey!! Uh- plant growing one!! I've got something for you!!"

I kinda hate this chapter so much-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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