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"A cookie recently has been murdered, Detective and Police Officer, Almond Cookie. Was suspected to be killed a day ago, by being stabbed in the chest by an unknown entity, reporters described the scene to be gruesome-"

I turned off the television. I was in complete shock, was that why he never answered me? He seemed so caring, and strong, how, and why was he killed. I could feel my body tremble, my breath becoming unsteady, and the tears trickling down my face. I let in one more shaky breath, before bending down, and sobbing.

Why did I care so much??

It was one day I met him.

Still he seemed so kind...

NO! You're just being overdramatic!!

The words rang in my head likes bells; I wasn't supposed to care this much! But knowing the fact that Almond had a kid made me feel worse, how could anyone kill a father!?

I just-

I needed to think about this, how it made me felt.

Maybe fresh air would help?

I try to take a breath through my tears that were streaming down my face like waterfalls, I stood up, trying not to tremble much and wiped my eyes dry.

I took a step outside, holding onto the railings of my porch looking into the sun rising. Somehow, watching the clouds trace over the sky made me calm down a bit, it was somewhat of a refresher to my mind.

Still, it was hard not to be sad, maybe I didn't care about him in that way, but he was the first person to directly complement my skills, and he did make me feel good.

How could he have died?


The shuffling sound of a waterfall interrupted my thoughts, I look over at the noise to see a cookie watering flowers nearby, he had leaf-like hair which was in a fall orange tint, and clothes that make him look like a gardener of some sorts.

What I noticed more was the sad expression plastered onto his face, it was like he knew something bad was coming, and didn't want to experience it, yet at the same time it wasn't preventable.

Suddenly, I felt bad for him, nobody else was around, and I knew how it felt, being upset, and having nobody to talk to.

Hey, maybe I could get another good friend?

I hop off my porch, landing with ease onto the stone paved pathway that I begin walking down.

I've never really looked at it that much before, but all the houses on my street seemed to have it's own unique flair, something one house has that no other house owns. There was just really a great variety, a leafy nature house, a chocolate plated house, a biscuit yellow house, so much to look at.

I arrived next to the leafy cookie, and tapped him on the shoulder, he didn't seem startled, but friendly. He smiled at me warmly, before speaking,

"Oh, hello there! How're you doing?"

"Hi! I'm doing ok, how about you?"

"To be completely honest, not the best.."

He turned his head back towards the red poppies flowing in the cool breeze.

In my mind, I quietly shout 'I CALLED IT!!', but I keep it to myself and focus on the cookie in front of me.

"Is that so? What happened, or what's happening? You don't have to say."

He stopped watering the poppies in front of him, pausing for a moment, most likely thinking.

"Well, you know how fall's nearing its end..?"

I tried figuring out what that meant, he still wasn't looking directly at me, so I could stare without getting noticed.

Then it hit me.

"O-oh, do you take care of these flowers?"

"Yes, it's possible to heat up the plant so that the water cells don't freeze, but I can't do it myself, and I can't find anyone who will... This is all just so-!"

He tensed up a bit, noticeably getting frustrating due to his change of tone, but ends up just letting out a small sigh.

"I see... Hey you know what, I think I might be able to help you with this!"

His face lights up as he turned to look at me.

"Really? You're willing to do that?"

"It's not like I have anything better to do, I'm still learning but I'll try my best to help you!"

He seemed to tear up a bit, smiling widely before pulling me into a warm hug. The feeling of being hugged (squeezed) was a feeling I forgot; it was nice to experience it again by a good friend.

"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouuu!!!!! You're such an amazing person- Oh! I'm sorry for doing that all the sudden..!!"

"Haha! It's alright, a hug was all I needed"

He smiled at me one last time, waving goodbye, and leaving to his house. It felt good to help someone every now and then, I tried figuring out the spell in my mind, was it a heat magic, or plant magic spell?

-Affogato POV:

No, NO.

Who is this person, and why is Y/N that close to them?

I back down underneath the porch I was hiding in, slamming my fist into the ground, bruises begin appearing on my knuckles, but I didn't care for that, I could make an excuse later. What I needed was an explanation, and a plan.

I take a small breath and reassure myself.

"Just- go up and ask them Affogato, you got this."

I hear Y/N's footsteps draw closer to their porch, if I could catch them before they go inside I may be able to get answers easily.

I crawled out from under and walked forward in a diagonal direction to make it seem like I came from a different area.

I waved my hand at them for attention

"Hello Y/N!! How're you doing?"

"I'm doing alright so far, well... Actually, not really."

Knew it.

"Oh dear! Is that the case? Would you like to talk about it?"

I looked over at a bench, trying not to gesture too much.

"W-well.. I appreciate your offer, but I need to make my way over to Latte's, she was known to not just study latte magic, but plant magic as well. I heard she was a great teacher, and was hoping to learn from her a bit. Sorry!"

Y/N started to walk off, to an unfamiliar direction. It started getting difficult to hold up my sweet smile, those who tell me nothing makes my jam boil more than those who lie. Though, at the same time I was confused.

Y/N has told me quite a lot so far, I would assume they already see me as a good source to vent/talk to if possible! But if something else is more important to them..

I peeked behind I peeked in the direction they originally came from, I watch a small plant dance around, whoever grew it obviously had left, but I know that I'll find out what they did.Y/N must stop making friends with others.

They belong to me.

AN: Gah theres probably so many mistakes in this chapter- 

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