Second Part

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The morning after...

Chae Yoon opens the door, yawning and stretching and sees his familiar broad back working at the kitchen.

"You're up," he smirks, setting down two cups of coffee at the table. He then tells her that he had his truck prepared whenever she's ready to leave. He had a few errands for today.

"Yeah, thanks. I already cleaned up and my bag is over there," she pointed to the corner of the door, "We can leave anytime you're ready."

Securing her stuffs at the back of the truck, Min Tae Gu opens the door to the driver's seat and sits himself in, right beside her. Chae Yoon had neatly secured the belt around her and was just waiting for him to start the engine.

"Thanks for last night," she says while he now drives them on the main road. He smiles and stirs the wheel, "It's nothing. Think of it as me trying to impress you with the place here."

Chae Yoon chuckles, "It's definitely working."

His only plan for them today was to drive her to her new hotel.  Her bags were secured at the back and all he has to do is make sure she's in her own room again, add to that, the sufficient supply of water this time.

Just then, in the middle of driving, she spots a vendor selling dumplings on the side of the road from afar. Her mouth watered instantly since she didn't have any breakfast yet.

Still staring at it, Chae Yoon's hands blindly tapped on his thigh, saying, "Hey, can we try that?"

It was starting to feel like it's their trip now and not just hers anymore. When he realized he had put so much thought into it, he snaps himself out and responds to her. "Dumplings? Yeah, sure."

Okay, maybe get her the dumplings, then, drive her to the hotel.

He stopped the truck and parked it on the side of the road. Chae Yoon immediately hopped out and crossed the street, not even bothering to wait for him and eventually reaching the stall.

Her eyes scanned the display and the menu pasted on one side. The old man smiled at her and asked her in Thai what would she want.

She smiled back, still looking at the food.

There's fried quail egg dumplings, fried shrimp dumplings, fried sausage dumplings, and fried pork dumplings.

"Hey, you didn't wait for me," Tae Gu said, catching up and standing behind her back. He looked at the display and asked, "Did you find what you want?"

Chae Yoon pointed at the fried pork ones.

He began to speak for her and she couldn't stop thinking how hot he sounds everytime he speaks. She fumbles for her purse and takes out a few money and hands it to him.

Min Tae Gu takes a few coins away and gives it back to her. "You gave too much," he chuckled. The vendor gave her the dumplings and Tae Gu gives him her payment.

"Do you want to eat first or are you going to move to another hotel now?"

"Eat," Chae Yoon says, munching on her dumplings now back at the truck as he drives them to another local restaurant.

Alright. Maybe, dumplings, breakfast, then hotel.

Now waiting in line, Chae Yoon stands side by side with Tae Gu as they both stare at the restaurant's menu on top. She squints her eyes to get a better view of the pictures of the dishes then the prices beside it.

She repeatedly taps Tae Gu's arm to get his attention and when he bends down to offer his ear, she pointed at something.

"Where?" He asked, squinting at the menu.

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