Fifth Part

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Ah... I'm updating this slower and slower. I'm so sad. I really want to continue this story as often as I can but writer's block. :( Anyway, here it is! Enjoy! I already have a few visuals for the next and I really hope I can finish it sooner.



She nods.

Still holding Chae Yoon's hand in his, Tae Gu proceeds to tell the vendor their orders. When he's done with the payment, she smiled and pulled them to a vacant table.

He was drinking water from his glass as they wait for their food and she had her face perched on both of her hands, staring at him and just that.

Tae Gu notices and decides to lock eyes, drinking and drinking, never breaking contact. She does the same.

When he's done, Chae Yoon beats him to it and grabs a tissue to wipe his lips just because she feels like doing it. She sits back again and stares at him, almost too fondly.

"Hey, I'm starting to feel conscious here..."

"You should."

He laughs at her and mimics her move, putting his face on both of his palms and stares back. They didn't notice the other table had already caught their attention.

"You have thick eyebrows," she comments.

"I like yours."

She frowns. "Why is your nose bridge so tall."

"Hm... I like yours."

She leaned closer, scrunching her brows and brushing a finger over his scar. He lets her do her thing and he quietly observes her sheer curiousity. "It looks like a tattoo."

He chuckled. "Well then that's probably the most painful procedure I had."

Their bubble only got popped when the waiter cleared his throat while holding the tray of their food. They pulled away and gave space for him to place it on the table.

As they eat, Tae Gu would wipe her lips from time to time and make sure her water is filled.

It was too cute she almost forgot how wild last night was.

How those same fingers tenderly dabbing on her lips now, brought her to the best climax she had in her life ten hours ago. How those eyes made her heart skip multiple beats when he pulled away from her lips after an intense makeout session from the doorstep to the counter.

Tae Gu eventually continued eating after he's done and casually begins another conversation again.

She didn't know why his nonchalance drove her nuts until he said..

"It's seven in the morning..."


He laughs. "Eat your food and stop eye-fucking me."

"I wasn't!"

"Yes, you are."


On their drive to the flower farm, Chae Yoon made sure her head and eyes were fixed on the window. He had been teasing her until now that it annoyed her so much.

"You'll hurt your neck if you keep doing that."

She still did it.

"If you turn to the other side, you'll realise the view is so much better."

"Oh shut up."

He was having too much fun. No, he's not stopping. The entire ride basically comprised of him successfully flicking every nerve of her until she eventually lost it and turned to him, groaning.

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