Fourth Part

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Hi, sorry this update took longer than usual. I tend to have a lot of word vomit writing this story from the start because I enjoyed producing this so much but idk what's up with me these days all of a sudden. Anyway, I finally got it out, thank god. Enjoy!


It's been the third time that something slapped his cheek. He pushes it aside but then it comes back to drop and rest on his face again.

Chae Yoon's foot has been kicking him for the past ten minutes of the morning. He was too sleepy to recognize it and all he wanted at that moment was to get whatever that thing was, off him.

He moves her feet aside once more and turns on his side, sighing when he can finally claim his sleep again.

Thirty minutes later, he woke up again, but this time, it was because of a hard - very very, hard slap- of a pillow.

He shoots up and just when he is about to squint his eyes open, she slapped him with the pillow again.

"What the hell?!" Chae Yoon kicked his thighs with her feet and threw pillows at him, confusing the man who just got his slumber brutally taken away from him.

"Hey! Hey!"

"What the hell happened, Tae Gu!"

Imagine her reaction, or how her heart nearly felt like it exploded out of her chest when she woke up only to find herself laying on his stomach. She was frozen for a minute, trying to absorb the situation.

She had only shot up out of bed when Tae Gu sleepily scratched his cheek and unconsciously placed his hand back on top of her head in a loose cradle.

The once asleep Tae Gu is now staring at her, wide awake.

She looks around and confirms that yes, dear god, they slept on the same bed. Chae Yoon feels her head pound again from the hangover just from that thought alone. Her clothes were still intact and it didnt seem like they did it.

"Oh god... what am I doing.." She has her fingers on her head, massaging and groaning and wanting to kick herself out. Or him. Doesn't matter.

Her eyes landed on a fresh mark on his neck.

Tae Gu immediately froze when he saw the look on her face - shattered, dropped, horrified... kind of like that, you get it.

"What.. is that..."

"What? Where..." He tries to look at where she stares at, it seemed like it was just down his face, but where the fuck.

"What the hell is that?!" She cries out, covering her mouth with her hand.


Chae Yoon grabbed the pillow and started hitting him again, slapping his head and making him recoil against the headboard, shielding herself from the continuous impact.


Sitting side by side, still at the bed, Chae Yoon keeps her eyes fixed forward, hands clasped on her lap, thoughts going somewhere Tae Gu had no idea about as he tries to steal glances from her, checking her once in a while with an awkward side eye and hoping the now unattended pillow in front of them will not be used again.

"I can't remember anything," she calmly says, slightly jolting him from the sudden break of the once very, very quiet silence he could hear the pulse on his neck beat.

"I can't either."

Chae Yoon feels another wave of pounding hit her head and the massage her fingers have been doing to her forehead didn't do anything to relieve it. She runs her hands through her hair down to the nape and sighed. "Try harder."

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