The Locked Box

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A/N: I'm finally back with a new chapter; sorry for the wait everyone!

Dust filled the air as Gilbert pulled the dark fabric away. Beside him, Anne held her breath in anticipation, then burst forward when a large chest was revealed. She ran her hands along the top, searching for the latch.

"Shine the lantern here, Gilbert," she whispered eagerly, "I think I found a lock!"

Gilbert dropped the cloth to the side. 

"Does it open?"

"I don't think so," Anne pulled off her mittens in frustration, tossing them to the cave floor, "Let me try again."

Gilbert bit his lip as he waited, guiding the light around in search of a key.

"I can't get it open," Anne complained, "How will we find what's inside?"

Gilbert thought carefully for a moment, then tested the weight of the box, "It's not very heavy," he said in surprise.

Anne nudged the chest, which shifted easily.

"Can we take it with us, Gilbert? Maybe Matthew or Bash could help us open it!"

"Anne, this isn't ours."

"It is on your farm though," Anne replied quickly, "Please Gilbert, I'm simply dying  to know what's inside."

He frowned, "It does look like it has been here for awhile."

"Exactly. Abandoned."

"Okay," he conceded. "Could you hold the lantern, please?"

Anne held the light at arm's length as Gilbert lifted a side of the chest. Though it felt empty, its size made it difficult to carry.

"Let's go," he grunted.

It was a struggle moving the chest  out of the cave's chamber. Anne had to help Gilbert move it around the larger stalagmite pillars, finally reaching the cave's mouth. They were glad to see the winter sunlight filter through the opening, and took a short break atop the chest.

"Give me the lantern, Anne." Gilbert said. He blew out the flame and set it on the ground, "We can come back for this later."

She shivered, clenching her cold fingers.

"Oh, I almost forgot my mittens!" she exclaimed, "I left them back in the cave."

"Stay here," he answered, "I can get them."

He slid from his seat on the box, and hurried through the descending darkness into the back of the cave. Using his hands to find the stalagmite formations, he tried to remember where they had just been. Suddenly, a light filled the chamber. 

"Anne, you should have waited!" he started to turn in surprise, but a solid blow on his temple crumpled Gilbert to the ground.

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