The Smuggler's Cave

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Anne spent no time getting back home. She hurried ahead of Gilbert, leaving deep tracks in the snowdrifts as she ran.

Enveloped in the familiar warmth of Green Gables, Anne quickly greeted the figure sewing quietly at the table.

"Hello, Marilla!" She shouted cheerfully, "Can I look at my gift now? Please?"

Marilla smiled.

"You may," she said, looking over her spectacles. "However, do not forget your chores or homework."

"Okay," Anne mumbled. Her back was already turned away as she tore into the thick brown paper. She stopped for a moment, then carefully removed a thick green book.

"Oh Marilla!" She squealed in delight, "This sounds perfectly romantical and mysterious... "The Smuggler's Cave"..." She read dreamily. "Do you suppose it's a true place?"

"It is." Marilla said simply, squinting at her needle.


Marilla raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you read the book?" She asked with amusement.

Anne read until dinnertime without moving from her position on the hard kitchen floor. She was entranced by the story of the robber and his band of outlaws.

At the supper table, Anne recounted the tale with as much detail as words would allow.

"... Mr. Lewis even hid part of the stolen gold in a cave right here on Prince Edward Island!" Anne finished excitedly, stopping only to spear another string bean from her plate.

"Sounds interesting," Gilbert added. "I have heard of David Lewis before. He had smuggling operations all over the East. In the United States of America, too."

Marilla made a noise of disapproval.

Anne looked up from her fried pork chop. "Oh Marilla, he died in a perfectly tragical way. He was wounded terribly in a gunfight, and arrested. And in prison, as he was weak and dying from a horrible infection, he pointed out through the bars and said -" she paused to make her voice deep and mysterious, ""My treasure is buried within sight of here", and then he died. The book said 'passed away', but I just say died. It sounds violent enough for an outlaw, doesn't it?

"Be sure your sin will find you out." Marilla quoted solemnly.

Anne stared at her plate as she imagined it.

"Do you know where the cave is?" She questioned abruptly.

"I might," Gilbert spoke up, "There are some at the edge of our forest."

Matthew frowned.

"Perfect!" Anne shouted.

"Anne! No traipsing around in this weather! You'll catch your death of cold!"

"Marilla, how could you be so unfeeling?" Anne wailed.

"Years of practice. You'll just have to wait, Anne."

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