Chapter 33

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Adriana's POV

I'm currently in the principal's office waiting for Aleksandr to come pick me up. They called my dad and he didn't pick up so they called Charlotte and Zio next. They both told the school to call Aleksandr because they're not dealing with me. I know I'm probably gonna get grounded for fighting at school but it was so worth it.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Volkov, Adriana is a very bright student and is on track to graduate this year. Our concern is that Adriana might not be mature enough to graduate so soon. She often gets into fights over the most trivial things. She threw a desk at a students on the third day of school, she gets into arguments and altercations with her brother's friend, and now she's sent her cousin to the hospital. If Adriana can't fix her temperament we'll have no choice but to barred her participation in graduation. Walking the stage is a privilege not a right. Do you understand Mr. Volkov?" She asked in a condescending tone

"Let me stop you right there. All these altercations are a result of your inability to manage this school. Adriana threw a desk after that girl dump her coffee and spit on her. Her brother's friend has been sending her home with bruises for weeks. I'm not sure why she attacked her cousin but Adriana doesn't start problems she ends them."

"Well she's been letting students copy her homework. Her teachers have complained about that. They also suspect she does homework for other students. If this proves to be true she'll be expelled. Adriana isn't as innocent as you think she is." Aleksandr send me a side glance that made me sink in my chair

"My cousins called me a whore and compared me to my mother who was a prostitute that abused me. I'm nothing like her and I asked them to leave me alone multiple times but they wouldn't listen. If this school condones bullying so much I'm okay with sitting out graduation. I also haven't been doing anyones homework. I don't understand why everyone is targeting me. If this is such an issue you can mail me my diploma after the lawsuit."

"Lawsuit?" She asked

"Since you're punishing the victim and making things up to expel her, of course I'm going to sue this school." Alek shrugged

"That's not necessary." The principal stuttered

"I'll decided that after my meeting with the superintendent tomorrow. Let's go JJ."

I smirked as I followed him out

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face."

"I don't get why you're annoyed. I didn't do anything bad." I frowned as I entered the car

"Doing homework for people isn't bad?" He challenged

"You believe her?" I asked

"Why would she make that up?"

"I don't know?" I shrugged

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you aren't doing homework for people." He crossed his arms

I frowned and looked at my shoes

"That's what I fucking thought. Getting expelled in 4th grade wasn't enough? Or Viktor's punishment when you did it in Russia? You're in high school now. I'm so disappointed in you Adriana. I thought you learned and grew from all the consequences you faced in the past because of this."

In 4th grade I would charge high schoolers to do their homework and I made so much money. It was a great business. My business however, came to light and I was expelled. Alek was mad about it but he was also super understanding and consoled me as I cried about being expelled in his car.  When I did it again he wasn't as forgiving. I didn't get expelled again but he was angry and disappointed in me for doing something so stupid again.

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