Chapter 23

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Adriana's POV:

At Lunch

"See you later guys I have tryouts now." I told them

"We can walk together I have to oversee cheer tryouts." Maddie said

"Cool lets go!"

Aleksandr gave Nikolai my middle school football equipment for my tryouts.

Maddie and I went to the girls locker room to change. Once I was dressed in my football stuff I started making my way over to the football field.

My cleats felt really tight but I knew I had to tough it out through tryouts

There were like 20 students trying out and they were all staring, whispering, and laughing. This one guy walked up to me and smugly said

"Hey princess cheer tryouts are in the gym."

Which made everyone laugh

"Well if that's the case what are you still doing here. Hurry on in or else you'll be late. Oh did you leave your pom poms at home? I'm sure they have extras for you to borrow." I retorted but he didn't like that joke one bit.

"Listen here!" before he could finish coach James came out

"That's enough if this is how you're going to behave then get off my field right now." he said to the boy

"Sorry coach." the boy glared at me

"Now I want everyone to sprint around the field 5 times." he commanded then blew his whistle.

We all started sprinting and I flew past everyone. By the time everyone finished they were sweating and out of breath. I had already finished and coach made me do 12 suicides while everyone was still running.

While they were doing suicides I started doing ladder drills. Then I finished and coach told me to take a water break til the rest finished.

Afterwards he split us up and he had us run various plays. I think I did really compared to the other people who tried out. Coach called us into the middle and had us sit.

"Okay today some of you did very well and others not so much. When I call your name head on into the gym and talk to Mrs. Korey. As many know our wide receiver graduated and so did his sub. So I'm gonna start with filling the only vacant starting position. Adriana here will be our new starting wide receiver." all their jaws dropped and some of them glared at me

"Dylan will be her sub." Dylan was a brunette with chocolate eyes. We both walked and grabbed our stuff then went inside.

"I'm not surprised you made it. You were really good and crazy fast. I dropped the ball like 8 times so I'm just glad I even get to be a sub." Dylan said

"Yeah but I'm sure it was just the nerves of tryouts. You execute drills flawlessly! I wouldn't have made it if you didn't whisper to me what he wanted us to do." I said way too excited and he laughed. We went to the office by the gym which is where Mrs. Korey was.

"Hey coach told us to come talk to you." I said

"Oh right go to the bleachers and sit on the left side." we nodded and went to the bleachers. All the cheerleaders where on the right. 6 other players joined us along with coach. They were all subs I was the only one starting since we had a full starting roster aside from the wide receiver position.

"Okay for starters congratulations are in order. Great job on making the teams we expect great things from all of you. One by one you're going to come up and give your size for both your jerseys and varsity letterman jackets. You'll come and collect your jackets Tuesday before homeroom. We will also give you the schedule for the season. You are expected to give in your physicals in order to collect your jerseys and uniform." Mrs. Korey told us

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