Chapter 34

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Adriana's POV
Flashback 2 years ago

"Malen'kaya Sova, Saylas Lombardi predpolozhitel'no nakhoditsya na vashey territorii." One of my men tell me

Little Owl, Silas Lombardi is allegedly in your territory.

"On vstrechayetsya s bossom, chtoby obsudit' patovuyu situatsiyu ili dazhe dogovor." I responded

Since no one knows my identity I can't refer to dad informally

He's meeting with boss to discuss a stalemate or even a treaty.

"Ostal'nyye v dome bossa, no on na vashey territorii i sprashivayet o vashem mestonakhozhdenii."

The rest of them are at boss's house but he's in your territory asking about your whereabouts.

"Ochen' khorosho, bylo by grubo s moyey storony ne privetstvovat' nashego gostya."

Very well it would be rude of me to not welcome our guest.

"Yego soprovozhdayut okolo dvadtsati chelovek. Pri vsem uvazhenii, ya by ne sovetoval idti tuda odnomu. My znayem, chto vy boleye chem sposobny spravit'sya s nim, no eto budet nenuzhnym i bezrassudnym postupkom."

He has about twenty men accompanying him. With all due respect, I'd advise against going in alone. We know you're more than capable of handling him but it'll be unnecessary and reckless to do so.

"Da, ya ponimayu. YA khochu, chtoby tridtsat' iz vas sledili za nashim obshcheniyem. Skrytno razberis' s yego lyud'mi, a ya razberus' s nim."

Yes, I understand. I want thirty of you to shadow our interaction. Stealthily deal with his men and I'll deal with him.

"Vy sobirayetes' soobshchit' ob etom Vladimiru?"

Are you going to report this to Vladimir?

"Net, eto budet bystro i bezboleznenno." I shook my head and drew my daggers

No this'll be quick and painless.

We loaded up in vans and started making our way to the playground Silas was allegedly seen in. It was raining which made it hard for our drivers to see so he was driving hella slow.

The humidity was making me want to take off my mask

We unloaded a few blocks away so they wouldn't hear us. We saw their men moseying around but no Silas

"Nikogo poka ne ubivay. Prosto zaderzhite ikh, nikogo ne preduprezhdayte."

Don't kill anyone yet. Just detain them. Don't alert anyone.

Thanks to the weather they didn't see my men coming. In a matter of minutes they were all silenced and restrained.

"Obezopasit' perimetr."

Secure the perimeter.

I waited until they confirmed they'd detained all his men. I told them to hold back and began walking towards the center of the playground to find Silas stepping on a kids head and pointing his guns at the other two.

"Russian pigs! Tell me where the owl is. I know it roams around here." He demanded

He started twisting his foot on the kid's head like he was putting out a cigarette

"We no know." They responded

"Illiterate fucks." He spat

What did he expect? He's in Moscow speaking English

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