Chapter 18

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Adriana's POV:

Dad dropped me off at the Lombardi's last night and I went straight to my room. I haven't interacted with any of my siblings because I don't feel like it.

It's 5:45 in the fucking morning so I decide to get out of bed and start getting ready. Since I'm not in the mood to interact with my biological family I decide to message Nikolai on my iPad (since my phone suffered major water damage after yesterday) and ask him if he wants to get dunkin before class starts. He responds quick and says he'll pick me up in 30 minutes.

Since I took a shower last night and Alek braided my hair for me so I only have to brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed.

I finish in 15 minutes but sit on my bed watching a YouTube video until Niko texts me he's near. I then grab my backpack and begin making my way downstairs.

Before I make it to the stairs Alessio stops me

"Hey Adriana I wanted to say sorry for what I did. It was uncalled for and really mean of me to try and pin everyone against you. They know what really happened two days ago since they saw the security cameras. They feel really bad so please don't be mad at them because of me." he says sincerely with his head down

"So you're only apologizing because you got caught?" I raised my brow

"No, I really am sorry. You're my twin so we should have each others back. You have mine so I want to apologize for not having yours. I want to be friends with you. I just needed time to adjust."

"I really don't care for your apology Alessio. You saying sorry isn't going to suddenly make me trust you. If you want my trust then fucking earn it and stop being a little bitch. I swear you're more annoying than Nikolai was."

"I was just jealous at all the attention you were getting and I got nervous that they'd stop loving me because of you. I know it's stupid but I didn't know what to do." he was crying and I really wanted to leave

"Alessio we're both 13. If I can use my big girl words to tell you how I feel about you, you can use your big boy words to tell me or your fucking family how you feel. You wanted to claim your territory and possession of your family so you chose to treat me like shit. Stop acting like you were backed into a corner."

"I will never treat you like that ever again. Just give me one last chance."

"Swear on Alessandro's life."

"I swear on both Charlotte and Alessandro's life. I'm gonna be a better twin to you."

I smirked

"I'll hold you to it. Be sure to keep your word." I brushed past him

"Their lives depend on it."

His face paled at my words. He searched for signs of a joke on my face but once he saw I was serious he began to nod.

The first Italian I've ever decided to trust is my twin. Maybe he's more honest than his lying father.

I checked the hallway clock and it read 6:18am so I started walking faster so I wouldn't leave Niko waiting so long.

"Morning." I muttered while walking to the door

"Morning, Adriana we're all really sorry for how we treated you we said somethings and-" I cut off mom

"Like I told Alessio it's water under the bridge we were all on edge and you said those things out of anger can we just move on I have places to be." I said with a fake smile

She came and hugged me and thanked me for my forgiveness.

"Niko is outside to pick me up. You think you can cover for me?" I whispered to mom and her eyes lit up she's always a sucker for romance. Not that there was anything romantic about us.

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