24. Everything I wanted

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Post cloud nine high, a grueling headache and fog.

It happens every time you drink or do drugs. In your younger days, the solution was easy: keep the constant slight buzz to postpone the withdrawal.

Staring at the ceiling, the exposed air vents, and wires. From the lack of natural light, you've concluded you are somewhere in the basement, alone.

All you remember is the tingling your body felt in the pillowy bed, the vivid dream of Kiyoomi kissing your forehead.

But now, the morning after is much more grueling. Head pulsing, unable to keep your eyes fully open, everything hurts. Your head, your skin, your heart.

Option one is to wallow in your self-pity and stay in the desolate warehouse until someone comes. Option two is gathering enough strength to walk out of the nightclub, then self-pity at home.

The only problem is that your articles of clothing were shredded.

While it may look like a loft-style apartment, opening all the doors, there is nothing you can even makeshift into clothes. There is, however, ancient technology on the corner of the small desk area. A landline.

You could call Semi, but seeing that he didn't make the front door, it's useless.

That only leaves one number you have memorized.

Saeko, please be at work.

"Delicious Delights." The voice says, unless Saeko's voice dropped a few octaves and she's adapted a slight Russian accent, it was definitely a man's voice who answered.

"Um. Hi. I-is Saeko there?" You stutter.

"Why are you calling from Labyrinth?" You wished he wouldn't recognize your voice. But Lev didn't have to say your name. He knew who it was.

Long story

"I'm not closing down DDs just for her to rescue you from your own stupid mistakes." He bluntly said.

"I understand." You whisper.

You were vague, telling Lev you just needed a ride and a set of clothes. You can't blame him for not allowing Saeko to help you. This is your own problem, no one else's.

Curling into a ball, you rest your cold body back on the bed. After the giggles and rainbows, the cloudiness, emptiness nothingness, wash over your skin. It courses through your skin, the blistering cold.

It's like your entire body is exhausted. Tired of lying still, but the heaviness of the gravity pushes you down into the dirt.

"Let's go." His voice interrupts your abysmal hypnosis.

You didn't even hear the footsteps, not the door opening, too busy spacing off. A soft thud on the bed alerts you as clothes are tossed in your direction.

"Lev? What?"

"Hurry up." That is all he says as he turns around to allow you to change. In your confusion, you quickly put on the red hoodie and pants. Nekoma High School

No words were spoken. There's a mixture of footsteps and chatter surrounding you through the elongated hallway. But all you are focused on is keeping your head down, focusing on the sound of Lev's shoes clicking onto the floor.

You pass through multiple sets of closed doors and stinging smoke. It was the middle of the day, yet it seemed even rowdier than at night. Every man in a tailored suit greeted Lev as he walked through, some even mixed with some playful insults.

Two double doors open as the itching sensation hits your lungs. With the secondhand smoke in the air burning your already swollen eyes, you continue through the foggy haze. Too focused on trying not to cough, the noise, the chattering, you lose Lev in the smokey room.

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