Chapter 11: Love Given Is Love Returned

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Her name was Retrograde and she was just as beautiful as my first love. At first we knew nothing of each other but then everything changed. I had a room for rent. Well not really rent but not for sale things just got lonely in Neighagra Falls. This gorgeous mare was the first to see and the moment I saw her I took down every sign I had up. We got her moved in that very night. After she was settled I was a little nervous but we went to dinner and then I brought her to my newly discovered spot. A place in the clouds a special cloud that looks like a spiral. I brought her up there and using a spell that allows her to walk on clouds we sat there. When the sun set out in the distance it shined through the Crystal Empire. Watching as the sun hit the Crystal Heart it lite up the sky above us. As well as this the cloud started turning gold from one end spinning around to where we were standing. I knew at that moment she was the mare for me. The next day I showed her around. We relaxed by the hot springs and played music. I also promised her I would make her bionic wings to help her get over her fear of heights. Then I went out for 3 hours. In hopes of asking her out I had to go find the most precious flowers I could. When I had finally returned I couldn't stop smiling. And watching her reaction to me asking her out lite up my whole world. After that I gave her her new Mecha wings and we flew for hours. That night we went back and right as the sun shone through the Crystal Heart I kissed her. And I've never been happier

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