Chapter 12: Broken Souls

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My happiness didn't last long. It was like a beautiful dream come true. good to be real. I loved her with all my heart as I did Atropine but like Atro she left me for somepony else. My precious dream turned to a nightmare. I sat there crying for a while, my employees returned from a vacation and tried to cheer me up. That night I had a dream. My three forms broke loose and destroyed equestria, and I was incapable of controlling them. The three were fighting each other trying to kill each other. Frost ran through freezing everypony in site. Flare burned every building to the ground. Jolt flew around killing trees and innocent lives. All I did was sit there and watch the destruction. Everywhere destroyed from Manehatten to Baltimare, from fillidelphia to new horseleans, even my home, my family, and then I watched as a demon took my heart and crashed it into dust. Everything went black, then I saw the moon and my dear friend Luna flew toward me. I wanted to wrap my hooves around her and cry. She asked me what troubled me and all I could say was I watched the world fall apart. Her response was rather I saw my world fall apart and I was giving up to easily. I told her of the monster and me losing control if myself. She explained the monster was death wanting to stop me using the heart break I felt from my two lost loves. As for me losing control simply means they were fighting blaming each other for the loss. In other words I've been blaming myself for them leaving me and I couldn't just accept it. I told Luna I wanted the nightmares to stop, but she said the nightmares weren't her own warning but what was currently going on in my mind. I then woke up teeth clenched and sweat and tears dripping down my face. I got up and cleaned myself up. As I looked in the mirror I saw what had become if me. And I said to myself if no mares truly love me then I shall no longer love...

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