Episode 1: Dead Man

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EP 1 :


The Shelby clan gathered together at an open field with sadness amongst them. Weeps and sobs could be heard as Arthur took his steps in front of everyone, his heart broke with every step. With a lit flame in his grip, he burned the black wooden caravan before turning back to face the family.

" I'm not really uhh. . . one for speeches but-

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He has a reason behind every f- t-thing. Tommy told me. . .

He told me that his legacy was just money but I know what his legacy is to me. He was a soldier. A soldier trying to find his end."

Arthur's voice broke towards the end. Linda immediately went to his side as they all paid their last respects with flowers and silent prayers for. In the far distance by the trees, a man could be seen in a newsboy cap, tailored suit and a cigarette in his mouth. A man attending his own funeral. His blue eyes watched as the flames grew bigger with a cloud of smoke. His eyes held little to no flame as the wagon that was miles ahead of him. As if his soul died along with that wagon.

Oddly, it felt like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. He watched on as the wagon burned, reducing to nothing but ashes and smoke.


Arthur and Linda get into their car when he notices a man sitting in their backseat staring out the window. His first instinct was to go for his trusty Webley but stopped after realizing it was the blue eyes of his brother staring back at him.

" You did good, Arthur." Tommy says in his gravel tone as he looks on towards the open fields. Arthur begins to drive down a long road. Linda and Arthur have somewhat made up. Arthur knows the mistakes he's made and Linda knows that Arthur is trying to change. They both moved back in together in a small house with open fields with their son, Billy who's now seven years old.

Arthur and Tommy stood by the open field behind Arthur's house as they looked towards the setting sun in the horizon. It was a rare occasion that they were able to be around each other in a more relaxed situation, where there wasn't any business matters— both legally and illegally.

" So uhh, why all the secrecy Tom? Why not tell the family?"

" Some things Arthur, are better off like I was dead." Tommy explained, taking a swig of his whiskey supply in his coat. He was tempted to light a cigarette but didn't out of respect for Linda and her reservations.

" What about uhh . . .Ada? She should know at least, right Tom?"

" Better off like I was dead, Arthur." He said defiantly as he slowly made his way to his white horse hidden in a barn behind the house.

" You're gonna have to hold the company down now, brother. Just until I've worked everything out.

You have people around you to help. Ada, Lizzie and Linda. Hire a few people that you know you can trust.

And listen to Linda, she knows her way around the business. Just make sure she plays nice with Ada." Tommy said as he mounts his horse.

" Will I be seeing you soon?"

" Maybe, brother. Maybe." Tommy said as he rides off into the distance. Arthur looks on as his brother grow smaller and smaller with distance. His mind wondering what could possibly come next.

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