Chapter 4- I'm Sorry

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A/N: So I got lazy, very lazy. No excuses other than pure laziness. I'm sorry for the late chapter :(

(Maka's POV)

I'm walking with Soul to the DWMA to attend our classes. I'm glad the weekend is over because it was an awkward weekend after the break-up. He has barely talked to Blair and I. Blair even sat on him half-naked and he didn't have a nosebleed.

I look up at him, he had his hands in his pockets and had a normal straight face. He doesn't appear sad but his soul wavelength says something different. It feels like he's worried or sad.

"Maka. Quit staring at my soul pervert." he said jokingly with a huge smile.

"What's wrong Maka? Something seems like it's bothering you."

"I'm sorry Soul. About everything." I said feeling guilty about the incident.

"I'm fine, stop apologizing. If she doesn't trust me then what's the point in wasting time trying to fix things? Without trust it's not a relationship." he told me reassuring me it wasn't my fault.

"Yeah, that makes sense I suppose." I said looking foward at the DWMA stairway.

"And besides, a cool guy like me has a line of girls willing to date him." he said pointing at himself with a smirk as he started running up the long stair case. It's a race he wants and it's a race he'll get.

I run right behind him, trying to catch up. I barely pull ahead as we both reach the top. Both of us gasping for air.

"I-I won." he panted.

"Whatever! I definietly won!" I huffed. He chuckled and looked at me with a smile. We both walked into the school. When we walked in everyone stopped and stared. I heard faint whispers and giggles.

"Soul I think they're laughing at us." I whispered.

Yeah, I know, just ignore it." He said looking slightly pissed. We continued to walk down the hallway where we met up with Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and Kid.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them with a smile. Soul greeted them with a wave and immediately put his hands back in his pockets.

"CONGRATULATIONS SOUL!" Black Star shouted.


"Yeah Soul, I knew you liked Maka but never thought you'd go that far." Kid said with a slight smirk. I looked up at Soul confused about the situation to see his face bright red.

"What are you talking about?" Soul asked.

"YOU SLEPT WITH MAKA!" Black Star again shouted. I heard a roar of laughter around in the hallway. Both Soul and I's face was hot and red as a tomato.

"Uh Black Star, maybe we should try to be a bit quieter." Tsubaki said in a sweet and innocent voice.

"Word has gone around that you and Morgan broke up because she caught you two... 'In the act.'" Kid said awkwardly.

"That's not anywhere near true." Soul said as I nodded agreeing with Soul. "I'll explain..." he said as he explained what was going on. After Soul told them the truth Liz said,

"We assumed it was a rumor. It doesn't seem like you two would do such a thing as cheating." Shortly after Liz's statement the bell rang signaling that class was starting.

We all walk into Stein's classroom and sat in our seats.

"Okay class sit down. Today we'll be dissecting this bird." Stein said unveiling the bird while smiling his creepy smile. I started spacing off, thinking about what Kid said eariler.

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