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POV: it's year 2078
Taehyung's POV:
Sitting in the lab room and trying to make the time machine, everyone says that not to put so much effort in making this but why not? "Taehyung Kim when will you understand that It's impossible to make it?" Felix my friend said who is also a scientist. "Can you please help me and not blabber stuff like that?" I asked him and he nodded.

"What do you want me to do?"..."Ah I'm fixing the buttons can you hold the wire for me it's difficult" I said and he nodded. "Well taehyung if it works then you are going to be the most popular person in the world!" He said but I just concentrated on my work. "Do you have any idea how does it works?" He asked and I nodded.

"Gonna be in that glass box and from here you'll press these buttons and I'll be there!"..."where?"..."uh let me work hm!"..."It's been 7 years Tae that you are working on this I guess you should make something else then this!"..."you said it for the 500th time and I listened it for the 500th time now if you'll say that again than you are going to say that again then you know what will Happen!" I said.

"Ok-ok" he said. "Done" I said while putting that number buttons on aside. "Huh ok so-"... the  started ringing. Which means that work time is finished. I groaned in annoyance. "Tae-hyung, Fe-lix it's leav-ing ti-me" the robot said and I rolled my eyes took off my experiment glasses 1and huffed. Took my bag and left with Felix.

World has been changed alot. Cars turned into an air submarine, humans are being replaced by robots! And way too much new technology!. Me and Felix were walking through the street. He was on his mobile device. "How about a coffee today?" He asked and I nodded. We turned left and went to our favorite café shop. We sat on our table and a robot came to take our orders. "One cappuccino and one hot chocolate" Felix ordered and on his computer the amount of money came he paid the bill and the robot left.

"Well I have a question?" He said and nod as a yes that go ahead. "Why are you making time machine? Any specific reason?" He asked me and I nodded. "What?"..."I want to go in old dimensions and research on it, I want to see how they used to live when there was no source of  internet and other social facilities" I replied.

"But in which dimension though?"..."in 1700's, I'm interested to see the rules the style of living"... "Well you do have an intelligent brain, can I go with you?" He said and I chuckled. "First of all weren't you was saying that it won't work so leave it it's impossible and blah blah blah! Now what happened?"..."The way you are telling now I also want to go back in old times" he replied.

The robot came with the coffee trays and placed it on the table. "Dude they have replaced robots and it effected many jobs I'm afraid that what if in future they say us to marry on of these".. we both laughed.

2 hours later:
Siting in my bedroom while multiplying the speed of light with time. "Aghh sometimes I think Felix is right but still I won't give up!" I said while throwing the paper in the dustbin. Suddenly my phone ringed. "Accept the call" I said and the call got accepted. "Hello taehyung it's me Kyunghu"..."oh Kyung what's up buddy whats the matter?"..."actually taehyung you have to complete that project on which we were working on from my side it is completed but you haven't done even a single thing of it!" He said and I facepalmed myself. "Kyung look as you know that I'm mak-" he cut me off.

"I know everything taehyung but it's our work and also it will take time to do experiments so we should make it hurry so that it can be published" he said. "How much time is left?" I asked him. "3 months" he replied. "Fine I'll do it but please give me 2 days, it's already done just need to do some fixings" I said.

"Ok but scientist Jhon our senior head was saying that you should be concentrating on the work they give you rather then making that" he said. "Ahan I see fine just 2 more days and I'm done don't worry"..."Fine then take care bye"..."bye"...I drink the rest coffee which was In the mug, "lights off" I said and the rooms light turned off. Then I went to bed.

Next morning:
The alarm ringed and I sat on my bed it stopped on its own as I sat on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Time to go for work" I said and stretched my arms in the air. Got up and went inside the washroom to get fresh n up. After taking a shower I came out and left for work.

At lab:
I was fully concentrating on my other project rather then the time machine as I  was working my sight left on time machine. "Believe me if I didn't had this this to do I should be making you" I said. "Do y-ou ne-ed an-any hel-p scie-ntist tae-hyung?" The robot said. "Nah but thanks for asking circle" I said. His name is circle, I set his name as circle because I'm his inventor and of course I should be the one who should select his name. His heart is in a circle shape that's why I named him circle. "Hey yo what's up dude?" It was Felix's voice. "Nothing much just doing the work and you?" I asked him. "Huh just came here after a long meeting on my project" he said.

"What about your time machine? Won't you touch it today?" He asked and I nodded as a no while fixing the wires with the help of some tools. "Oh my God ok so this is going to be the first day that Scientist taehyung won't touch his time machine after 7 years?" He said and laughed. "Ha-ha-ha" circle laughed as well. "Ey circle bring water for me"..."i- am no-t for th-is wor-k" he said and I laughed this time, circle left from here. "Ah you how embarrassing right a robot insulted yoy tsk tsk tsk" I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

After 2 hours:
Everyone has left and I'm still in the lab doing the same project. Soon I was done I drank the water and huffed. Took off my experimenting glasses and looked at time machine glass box. I walked towards it and just cried had to do is that to upload the data and some kind of stuffs and it will be ready but the data will take 2 days. Inserted a chip inside the tab and one in my device. I took the device with me so that I'll keep getting to know when it's ready. Then put circle on charging mood and left for home.

4 hours later:
I was sleeping peacefully when. "Data Downloaded successfully" this sound kept repeating. "Ah which da-" then I reminded which data. I woke up and looked beside me on the night stand on the device. And it was written on it Data successfully downloaded. It means that time machine is ready? Wah I can't believe. "Ahhh yeahhhhhh" I screamed in happiness. Going to be the first one who made this. Hell yeah. "Call felix" my phone device automatically called Felix. After 2 minutes he received it. "Yah bro what is it? Why did you call me at th-"he said in a sleeping tone...I cut him off. "Bro listen to me first" I said in a exciting tone. "What?"..."Time machine is ready" I said.

"WHAT? I mean what? Taehyung I guess you saw a dream"..."noooo bro it's real I'm going to lab, hurry up if you wanna see" I said while getting up from my bed. "But at this time?" He said. "Yeah and I need you for some functions and also dont tell anyone we are just going to experiment first!" I said while wearing my white lab coat. "Sure I'm on my way" he said.

End of Taehyung's POV.

Written by: @life_goes_on_bish

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