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Taehyung's POV:
I closed the door without making any noise and stepped back. I walked towards my room and went inside. "That was beautiful yet shameful view" I said and chuckled to myself and plopped on the bed staring straight at the ceiling. "Ah I can't get it out from my mind!" I said while reminding her beautiful self in my arms last night. "By the way Where's this jerk?" I said and got up to see where's he. I went inside his room and saw him taking photos of himself on the device which we brought.

"Tsk! Why are you taking pics of yourself?" I said. "Because when I go back in the present so everyone believes me that's why" he said and pouted for the next pic. "Give me that! We have to take pictures of these antique things not of yours" I said while grabbing the device from him. He hit my shoulder. "What is going on here, mind if I participate?" It was hwan's voice, he was standing and leaning against the wall. I quickly hid the device behind my back. "No thanks!" I said said faked smile. He walked inside. "Felix's photograph successfully downloaded, connect to the internet to load media" it was the device my eyes widened. "What's that? What was this voice? Where did it came from? What are you hiding you-" he grabbed my collar but then.

"Hwan appa is calling you!" It was y/n's voice. He smirked and left my collar. Then turned back to leave and y/n was standing in the door. He walked towards the door. "You look so pretty my love" he said while rubbing her chin. She lightly yanked his hands and whispered something to him. Which wasn't able for us to hear. I was really so angry right now to see him with her like that.

Y/n's POV:
"Today you dared to touch me in front of  someone, next time it shouldn't happen or I'll tell appa that you once forced me when you were drunk but nara ahjuma saved me!" I whispered and he gave me a death glare and left from there. My years left from my eyes because it's so embarrassing how he just does whatever he wants to. I forgave him that time because I thought he was drunk and it was by mistaken. But I forgot that he's an evil, in his real state or if even he's drunk. I was about to leave from there when someone held my hand softly.

I looked upwards and it was Taehyung. "Thank you for-"..."for?"..."for distracting him"... I nodded. I turned my direction to leave but he started wiping my tears with his thumb. Making me surprised. No one has done this to me, just appa. I hate being touched by hwan but when he touches me it doesn't feels awkward or bad why?..."who are you?" I said. He looked in my eyes deeply. "You'll get disappointed after knowing who I am!"..."are you this good or bad? That I'll get disappointed after knowing you?" I asked. He nodded as a no. "I'm not  permanent"..."I wish you were" I said unknowingly. After saying those words I didn't say anything nor him. I looked down and left from there.

How? how? Just how? I'm being attracted to him his acts and his words? I thought.

Few hours later:
Taehyung's POV:
"Felix I wanna go outside, look it's snowing and you know how much I love snow!"...."I know but the very beloved majesty said us to stay inside! Because its dangerous for us to go out"..."but I really wanna go see how beautiful it looks and the preparations of Christmas the people are doing!" I said while looking outside window. "Fine but how will you sneak out?" He asked me. "I have many ways!" I said and smirked. I opened the cupboard and took out the black trench coat black bucket hat and black shirt!..."tada" I said and showed him the things.

"And How will you hide your face?" He said. "Are you blind or you can't see this hat?"..."but it can't hide your face it will only cover your head!!!" He said. "Tsk leave it on me I know how to hide my face." I replied and then went towards my room and changed my clothes.

Y/n's POV:
Now this time I'll not even tell nara ahjuma cause she always send guards behind me whenever I sneak out. I wore my shoes and suddenly I heard the door opened and it nara ahjuma. "Y/n where are you? I think she isn't here" she said she didn't see cause I hid by the bed. She left and I sighed. I got up and looked outside the window the snow ah I love snow and the Christmas decorations I can't wait to see. So I'm going. I wore my mask and then hat.

I ledtvmy room and looked here snd there if someone is here and yay the hallways was clear. Only few servants. I looked down so no one notices me even I have wore the mask but still. "Have you seen princess y/n I'm looking for her" it was nara ahjuma, she asked a maid I drifted back and decided to sneak out from back side. And thankfully I succeeded.

Meanwhile taehyung's POV:
"Woah finally" I said while being happy on that I somehow sneaked out from the palace. I roamed around in circle while closing my eyes and feeling the fresh snow falling on me. Oh how much I missed this. Then I decided to roam around the streets to see decorations. As I was roaming around I saw a stall, it attracted me, because of antique jewelry. So I went towards it and a woman was already standing beside me. She was wearing gloves and a velvet bucket hat, and mask. "How much is this?" She asked the stall man about the ring. "It's of 6 coins" he replied.

"Ah damn I forgot to bring money from palace" she mumbled but I heard it. Palace? "Leave it I'll buy it some other day please don't give it to anyone" she said and left. "8 coins give me that exact ring she wanted!"..."but she said not to give it to anyone!"..."I'm giving you two extra then it's already costs!"..."Fine!" He said and gave me the ring I gave him his money and put it inside my pocket. I flowed her, to wherever she went.

Y/n's POV:
I feel like someone is stalking me is it the royal guard? I turned back to see but there was no royal guard here in this crowd of people on the street. I again turned back and walked ahead. I stopped in front of a stall because it told that this man could read fate from hands, he's he's old man. I took off my gloves "can you read my fate and tell me who's going to be by future husband?" I asked because I wanna know, what if its not hwan yayyy! He looked at my hand really carefully. "Your hand doesn't has a marriage line but in the place of it you have a.....mmm it's a reborn line which means you'll reborn" he said and I git really happy because of that marriage thing and excited because of that reborn thing.

"So do I have a lover in my life I mean who truly loves me?" I asked. He nodded while looking at my hand and smiled. "But he's not permanent!" He said and I reminded the same words said by taehyung!..."not permanent means?"..."Time- Time will tell everything" he said and I got confused. "Can I give money later cause I forgot to bring my-" he stopped me. "It's ok your majesty I know it's hard to sneak out form palace" he said and smiled my eyes widened at how did he get to know that I'm princess y/n. "H-how?"..."I'm a fate reader! When you showed me your habd I read it" he said. Now I truly believe him!!!

I bowed him. "Thank you so much" i said and he bowed me. "Please dont" he said and smiled. Im so confused now. He's not permanent? Why? And who is he? Is he taehyung? I think so cause I guess I'm falling for him. The snow fell on my bare hand and I realized I forgot to wear my gloves I walked back to the stall but my gloves wasn't there. "Are you perhaps looking for this" someone said and i looked at him, he was Taehyung. My eyes widened. "Y-yeah" I snatched it from him. How is he here? Did he also sneaked out? Or is he following me? I walked ahead leaving him behind but I could sense him following me back.

I fasten my steps and sensed his steps getting faster. I started running now. I ran until I was out of breathe. I leaned against the wall and peeked if he's still following me but no thankfully I lost him. "Oh God I was close to get caught" i said and breathed heavily. Suddenly someone held my arms and pinned me against the wall, and did my mask down. He didn't even gave me a second to look who it was. I opened my eyes and it was Taehyung. And you know I went pale. "Won't you thank me for giving you your glove?" He said and i gulped.

"Please dont tell anyone in the palace that I sneaked out!" I said. And he leaned closer more closer extra closer. "I won't don't worry" he said.

Taehyung's POV:
Ice crystal fell on her cherry lips making it hard for me to control myself from kissing her. I leaned so close to her that my breath was hiting her nose. And our foreheads were attached. I creased her cheeks.... "Don't do it! If someone will see us, then it will be a big mess" she said. "After?" I asked her what will happen after that. "Af-after that someone will tell appa and you'll-"..."I'll?"..."You'll get killed"..."so you care about me this much hm?" I asked while smiling. And pulled her in a kiss. I hid our faces with the hat.  She kissed me back. I kept creasing her cheeks. After the kiss I backed away and we both breathed. I looked deeply in her eyes.

Y/n's POV:
I was looking in his eyes when my sight unintentionally went on the ither side and there I saw royal guards standing a little far from us and it looked like they are finding something of course its me!... I pushed Taehyung. "I gotta go or they'll catch me" I said and ran from there.

End of y/n's POV.

Written by: @life_goes_on_bish

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