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Y/n's POV:
I was on my bed crying and thinking about how I always get hurt. I shouldn't have fell in your trap taehyung. "Y/n everyone is waiting for you downstairs, please ho and have your dinner" nara ahjuma said. "I donr want to see his face, I'm not going" I said. "King said me to bring you and if I'll go without you downstairs he'll be angry on me please get up and let's go have your dinner! Or you'll get more weak" she said. "If I'll not eat for days then I'll die right then let me die!" I said and she came towards me as she was standing in the door. She sat on the bed and creased my head.

"Your mother didn't leave you in this world to die!" She said and I realised that she's right. "Al-alright I'm coming" I said and she pecked my forehead before leaving. I got up and wiped my tears I washed my face before going downstairs. I left the room And stepped down. Everyone looked at me. "Where were you dear? We were waiting for you" appa said. "I was sleeping but someone woke up from the beautiful dream I was having" I said while looking at Taehyung he understood what I meant.

I sat on my chair and everyone started to eat food. "After y/n and hwan's wedding I'll make sure to know who was that person so you both can step outside from the palace safely" appa said to taehyung. "Hwan is coming in just 5 days and I'm planning to set the wedding on next week"..."Why to delay it? Why dont we set a surprise for hwan? When he comes Why don't we put the wedding right after it?" I said and looked at taehyung he gave me an angry glare. "Haha that would be great idea! Preparations are half a way so I guess they'll be done in 5 days, vizier anounce it in the whole kingdom that after 5 days my daughter my princess is getting married with her fiance hwan" appa said and I faked a smile. Taehyung got up and left, mihi also gave me glare and left.

And there he was Felix! So lost in eating food. "What happened to them?" Appa said, he talked about mihi and taehyung. "Well I'm really glad for which reason we came here is going to happen soon." King seok said. "You will look absolutely more pretty as a bride" imo aka queen Marie said. I smiled a FAKE one. I got up from my seat. "I don't have the appetite to eat more, good night" I said and left. I was in hallways when someone held my arm and pinned me against the wall. "What?" I asked him. "What was that? I see you are so desperate to marry him aren't ya?"He asked me, eyes full of rage jaw clenched up. "Yes cause If it will happen later so why not now? And I already have accepted reality!" I replied.

"See yourself once, ask your heart is it acceptable what you are going to do? He'll ruin this kingdom and you!" He said. "Then let him! He'll ruin, beat me it won't hurt that much but at least he didn't break my heart" I said with eyes full of tears. "Hm! Right, perfect! Get this in your head that I won't let this happen. The day you'll get married you'll see what happens!" He said. "Don't do anything wrong!" I warned him. "Or what?" He asked me. "Or-" he punched the wall beside me. "I fuvkin love you how should I explain this to you?" He said and I pushed him ran towards my room and went inside I locked the door.

Mihi was already inside. Her arms were wrapped around her chest. "What was that?" She asked me. "What?" I said. "The shit you spoke in dining hall! That!" She said. "Hm it's true!" I said and walked to bed. "Excuae me hello miss you said that you dont like hwan and also you said that taehyung also loves you?" She asked me. "It was all fake I don't like him anymore!"..."Look don't lie to me ok!"..."I said na!... I said being irritated. "Y/n are you even in your right mind?"..."did you two fight? She asked me. I kept quite. "What the problem?"...

"you want to hear then listen! He's a fuxking timetravler, which means that we can never be together! H-he passed the time with me"..."Timetravler? Time pass? H-hey wait a minute does that means that Felix?" She said and i nodded. "S-so they passed their time with us? Wh-what If He's lying?" She said and I nodded as a so while crying so badly. I hugged her."I-i saw that with my ow-own eyes, th-the date 21st of April 2078" I said. And she calmed me down by creasing My back. "I-its-"..."It's not ok pleaseeee don't say that! You can al-also feel what I am" I said.

"I have a work I'll just com-comeback" mihi said and left the room.

Mihi's POV:
I walked towards Felix room but he wasn't there I searched for him and found him in my way. "Hy love" he said and I held his hand and took him to an empty place. "What are you doing mii what if someone sees us?" He said but I kept dragging him to a store room. After we reached I locked the both of us inside. "What do you both think hm? That you can play with our hearts and leave whenever you want? It was maybe a time pass for you both but we freakin loved you this much that we thought of running away with you both leaving the kingdom and our parents being!" I said all in one go. My tears fell from my eyes

"Wh-what are you saying?" He asked I grabbed his collar. "Don't play fool with me! I have enough of you. Just tell me why did your brother and you do that to us?" I asked. "Brother?"..."Don't tell me now that you forgot your own brother that taehyung!"..."h-hes not my brother, he's my best friend" he said and I chuckled sarcastically. "So this was also a lie?" I clapped sarcastically.

"Im impressed!" I said and slapped him. "You'll surely remember this" I said. I turned to leave. "Mihi please stop listen to me first mihi!"..."now there's nothing left to talk about" I said and left from there. My heart was literally broke from inside.

Felix's POV:
I was crying now. I left the store room and searched for Taehyung, he was in his bedroom, Siting on the bed while lost in thoughts. "Tae-taehtung" I said and ran towards him he got up and I hugged him bursting in tears. "H-hey felix you ok?" He asked me and I just kept crying very badly. "Hey bro what happened tell me?"..."m-mihi" I sobbed loudly while crying. "Mihi? What mihi?" I said. "She-she thinks i-i passed m-my time with her" I said ans he patted my back.

"Same happend with me and that was j
Infront of your eyes." He said. And pulled away from the hug. He wiped my tears. "Let's go back in few days! Hm!"..."but-"..."we have nothing left now for which we will stay here" he said and I gave a nod.

5 days later:
Author's POV:
Everyone is so happy except four people. You know whom I'm talking about. Mihi made y/n wear the crown which her late mother used to wear. She zipped up the royal gown which y/n was wearing. The both of them were having a blank face. "You are looking pretty" mihi complemented y/n with a fake smile. "What is the benefit of getting dressed like this and still marrying the one whom you never loved?" Y/n said.

Hwan's POV:
Coming out from the horse cart and stepping on the ground I looked around and ut looked like that there is some sort of celebration or party going on because the decorations and all. "Hey what is this all?" I asked the vizier. "It's a surprise for you!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him. I walked inside and the hall was decorated as it was never have been before. "What sirprise he was talking about?" I said. And suddenly that jrk came out while smiling at me.

I also passed a smile. "My son in law is home" he said and hugged me. "Yeah I'm here" I replied. "By the way what surprise is for me?"..."you and y/n are getting married today!" Eun replied and I smirked a bit and smiled. "Really?" I said and my sight left on Taehyung who was walking pass by us... he's still here? Anyways then it's good let him get jealous and see that y/n will be all mine and he can't do anything.

Y/n's POV;
"Hwan is back" mihi informed me. "Hd had to come!" I replied.

End of y/n's POV

Written by: @life_goes_on_bish

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