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Y/n's POV:
A little fear, a lot of sadness and a broken heart is all left inside me. "Princess your fiance would like to meet you" a servant came ans I scoffed. "Im not in the mood to meat anyone" I simply said. She bowed and left. I looked mihi and she was siting on bed crying silently. I went towards her. And sat next to her. "I do understand that it's hard to move on! But at least don't cry in front of them to let them know that we don't care about it even if they leave us" I said and held her hands in mine she wiped her tears. "Hm you are right!" She said.

Felix's POV:
"Tsk taehyung at least stop crying, get up and get ready" I said but him being stubborn laying on bed under the covers crying silently. "Taehyung get up na!" I went towards the bed. And took off the covers from his face. "Hey stop this. It's ok maybe we don't deserve them! We should have thought before falling in love with them. I think it's our punishment that we didn't thought before loving"..."nobody thinks before falling in love it just happens and same happened with us. But what is hurting the most is they don't believe us!" I said.

Suddenly we heard a mock on the door. The door opened and I get to see that herk hwan. He had a big smirk on his face. He walked in and closed the door. " I thought to come and see, tsk you must be feeling really bad right? I told you that night that she'll be mine no matter you try to save her" he said but I wasn't looking at him. "Felix say him to leave him from here" I said. "Tsk why now? Why? Dont you think that the real fun has started now?" He said and laughed evilly. "You gonna see how many bruises bruises pains I'll give to her" he said and i lost my control firmed in anger and grabbed his collar. "I'll sue you if you hurt her a bit" I said directly glaring in his eyes. "Ouch I'm scared!" He said and again laughed. I pushed him and left his collar. "Once I become the prince I'll trap you in a big cage for your whole life!" He said. "Get lost from here!" Felix said and he smirked. "GET OUT!" I shouted at him and he just smirked and left.

Author's POV:
Nara ahjuma heard everything even before hwan came she heard everything taehyung and Felix were talking about. She came on this conclusion that hwan is a bad person and taehyung hasn't done anything she wiped her tears. She was crying why? Because she has grown up y/n since her childhood just like a mother she loved her. "I-i don't want this to happen, what happened with her mother j won't let this happen" she said and walked to y/n's room. Meanwhile vizier announced the wedding to be held soon, hwan changed into the Royal suit. People from the kingdom were coming in abjg crowd of course its king's daughters wedding.

"Princess the wedding will be held soon" a maid said while making me wear shoes. Suddenly the door opened and it was nara ahjuma. "Ahjuma I was looking for you-"..."Hey get up and leave hurry" she said to the maid and she left. Then ahjuma locked the door. "Y/n i-i came here to tell you something" she said and sat in my knees. "Ah-ahjuma no sit here" I gestured her to sit on the bed. She sat next to me. "Ahjuma is everything OK?" Mihi asked and she gave a no nod. "Wedding will start soon so before it starts I want to tell you something" she said and I noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "Hwan isn't a good perosn" she said...and I scoffed. "I know"..."then why are you marrying him?"..."because appa wants"..."no-no don't listen to him! A-a person who killed your mother h-how can you listen to him?" She said and I made a confusing look.

"What d-do you mean?" I asked her. "I-its true! N-not only me but the whole kingdom knows ab-about this!"...about what?" Mihi asked being confused just like me. "Y-your mother was also forced to marry your father b-but she loved someone else j-just like you! Before marriage eun didn't know that your mother loved someone else! After marriages 1 year he get to know that yohr mother loved someone else. H-he ordered to kill that person in front of her! In that time your mother was pregnant she cried badly while looking at this! She tried to stop this and letgo from there but she was chained, she saw him bleeding with her own eyes. Your father even doubted that you aren't his daughter but-.... he thought that your mother cheated on him but this wasn't truth, she tried to he'll your appa thag you are his child she didn't cheat she left that guy right before her marriage with him, after you were born your appa ordered to kill your mother in front of the whole kingdom so that everyone everyone knows what it cost to disobey him! He wanted everyone after this not to talk about this ever after......" ... "a-appa did th-this?" I still couldn't believe it. I bursted in tears. He stole a mother's love from me.

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