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"They're not stopping," Peter noted, a tinge of worry in his tone, "Neither are we," Tony stated

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"They're not stopping," Peter noted, a tinge of worry in his tone, "Neither are we," Tony stated. Leigh came face to face with Pietro, "Are we still friends?" Leigh rolled her eyes slowing him down before he could do anything, "I don't know Pietro, are we?"

"Watch out!" Tess exclaimed, warning Peter of the car that was flying towards his head, "Yeah, yeah." 

It was hard to follow everything that was going on, but Leigh looked over just in time to slow Natasha's fall, "What the hell, Wanda?!"

"I'm fine Leigh," Natasha reassured, Wanda should've known better by now that to hurt Natasha, there was nothing that got under Leigh's skin more than when you hurt the people she loves.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." Peter quipped, "Yeah, what's up with that?" Tess asked landing beside him, "Look, there's a lot going on kid that you don't understand." not that Steve could see the girl's facial expression, but it was the equivalent to saying, 'this bitch'

"è estremamente scortese!Non sminuisci i Parkers!" Tess rambled, annoyed, "She rambles in Italian when she's angry. And, Mr. Stark said you would say that. Wow." Peter noted before both he and Tess webbed him in the legs and shield, "He also said to go for your legs." Steve attempted to go after his shield but Peter webbed both of his arms before he could move, unfortunately, though Steve managed to toss Peter aside. (That's extremely rude! You do not belittle the Parkers!)

Before Tess could stop him, Steve slammed Peter's head against the shield, "Are you ok?" she shouted before they both flipped up out of his reach, "Did Stark tell you anything else?" the man asked, "That you're wrong."

"You think you're right." Tess added, "And that makes you dangerous," the pair finished. Peter went down first, Tess not too far behind him, "I guess he had a point," Steve noted before dropping the airgate on top of them. "You got heart. Where you from?" 

"Queens." The two teenagers' voices were strained under their struggle to prevent themselves from being crushed, "Brooklyn." Steve stated before jogging off.

"Ok, we need a plan." Tess stated, "Ya think?!" Peter exclaimed, "Well, your hero got us into this mess." Tess stated voice strained, "I can help!" Leigh called out to them, running towards them, "On my count, you let go, I'll slow down its speed in falling, and you guys can move out of the way."

Once the Parkers were successfully safe from being crushed, Leigh ran off leaving them, "Holy shit!" Peter exclaimed, "Yeah." Tess added nervously. Moments later, Rhodey was tossed through the air, "We've got him!" Tess and Peter spoke.

Rhodey let Peter and Tess hold on to him as he flew up to Scott, the Parkers worked together to web him up. 

"Oh no you don't," Leigh muttered, slowing down Bucky and Steve, "Remind me why again you're being so incredibly careless in all of this, what happens when one of us gets seriously hurt fighting each other?" Leigh asked him, but before she could get any sort of answer, a ball of red energy flew into her, knocking her off balance.

Leigh did her best to recover quickly, before running off to catch up with Natasha, "You're not gonna stop." the redhead stated, Leigh, wondered what she was waiting for, "You know I can't." Steve shook his head.

"I'm gonna regret this." she breathed, but once Leigh saw what the woman was doing, she slowed the widow bite, simultaneously slowing T'challa. "I can't have you violating the Sokovia Accords and being on the run, leaving me." Leigh stated, "Go." Natasha urged

"I don't exactly know what to do here, cause if I let go of this, then technically, I'm violating the Sokovia Accords," Leigh stated, "Bit of a predicament I'd say. Glad to see you've joined the correct side," Pietro spoke, appearing out of what seemed to be nowhere.

"Fuck you, Pietro," she spoke bitterly, "I'm not switching sides. I trust Nat's judgment, I'm always on her side."

"Yes, but as we speak you're violating the accords." Leigh sighed, "Well shit."


Everything was a mess. Rhodey was facing probable paralysis, and the team, Leigh's family, was split apart.

"Hello?" Leigh answered her phone, moving out of the space where Rhodey was getting a CT Scan, "Woah, Christine, slow down, breath." Leigh stated, trying to calm the woman on the other end of the line. "Stephen is gone."

"What do you mean gone?" Leigh demanded, "I mean we had a fight last night, and I came back this morning and he's gone." the brunette exhaled sharply, "Where the hell did he go?"

"I have no idea. Somewhere insane most likely." Leigh pinched the bridge of her nose, "Look, I really can't deal with his bullshit right now. I have a lot going on, call me if you find anything, and I will do my best to help, but- Right now really isn't the best time,"

"I've gotta go." she stated before ending the call, "Everything ok?" Natasha asked gently placing her hand on Leigh's shoulder, "My father is being stupid and reckless and is god knows where, my girlfriend broke the law, betraying me in the process, and our team fell apart. So honest to god, absolutely not."

Natasha gently hugged the brunette, "Why can't we have one second where everything isn't going wrong?" Leigh asked quietly, "I know, I know."Natasha whispered.

"Natasha whispered

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