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Leigh very reluctantly answered the phone when Christine's name flashed across the screen, "Hello?" she asked, her voice a little raspy from all of the crying she had done in the past thirty minutes, "Leigh! Thank God, we were so worried," Christine's voice echoed through the phone, Leigh readjusted herself into a seated position, "Who? You and my Father?" Leigh asked, she felt bad using that tone of voice with Christine, the woman who genuinely cared about her wellbeing, but just thought of her father made her bitter. "Leigh, he does care about you." Christine said, "Then why has he always pushed me so hard, and never acted like he gave a shit about me after my mother left."

"He loves you, Leigh," she tried, "Yeah, well he sure as hell has a weird way of showing it." the brunette huffed, a beat of silence passed by, "Look Christine, I'm glad you're ok, I am truly, but the next time my father wants to check on me, tell him to call me his damn self." Leigh hung up on the woman, she glanced out the window watching as Tony and Steve chopped up some wood. There was a soft knock on the door, "You ok flower?" Natasha asked, "Not really. You?" the redhead shrugged, "Not really no." 

Natasha sat down on the floor next to Leigh, "Want me to braid your hair?" Leigh smiled softly at the question, that had been how Natasha calmed her down when anything went wrong, she nodded turning her back to the redhead. "How could someone do that?" Leigh whispered, "Watch as someone lives their worst nightmare?"

Natasha carefully brushed the brunette's hair, "I don't know flower," Leigh leaned back slightly further,  "It was Ally." she breathed, "That was the worst day of my life. I did everything I could, but it just wasn't enough." she played with the rings she was wearing, "I feel like I'm never enough, for anyone."  Natasha paused, "You're enough for me, Leigh." 

Leigh nodded, and Natasha resumed braiding the brunette's hair, humming softly as she did. "I saw the look in your eyes, Nat. So I feel like I should say something." Leigh began, "You know you're not a monster Natasha." the redhead paused for a moment, "I need you to trust me when I say that. You Natasha Romanoff are not a monster."

"What they did to you, what they made you do, that doesn't change the fact that you saved me. And so many other people." Natasha smiled softly, "Your turn to listen to me Leigh, what happened to Ally was not your fault. No matter what Wanda showed you and no matter what you may think. It wasn't your fault." 


Leigh took a sip of the sweet tea, listening to Fury drag out one of his speeches, "My contacts all say he's building something." Lila ran across the room, moving to stand by Natasha, "The amount of vibrainium he made off with." he said drying off a plate, the irony of  Earth's mightiest heroes, sitting around a table at a farmhouse eating dinner. Despite everything, they were all a family really. "Yes Fury, we know, this is a mess." Leigh sighed, but then sent a warm smile in Lila's direction. "I don't think it's just one thing." Fury finished ignoring the brunette, "What about Ultron himself?" Cap asked, 

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