Chapter 2

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Dylan, the boys, and I arrived at the ice cream shop in 5 minutes. We all walked as it wasn't too far away from the beach. 

Dylan let go of my hand to sprint in but luckily the boy from earlier caught him. I really do need to find out his name, for now I think I'll call him, Bob. So 'Bob' caught Dylan just before he was about to run inside.

I was about to take Dylan from him but what I heard next surprised me, "What do you want to eat little man, I'll get you anything you want?" He looks like he's good with children.

"Chocolate ice cream," he screamed, 'Bob' seemed a little shocked at Dylan's outburst but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

I knew Dylan's order perfectly; it was chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate sauce, covered in cookie and Oreo. 

We hardly ever came to get ice cream because Dylan would want to order it and it was expensive. If we came here I wouldn't want to see his sad face when I tell him he can't have it, but today he was getting a treat.

"Do you want me to get you the usual Dylan?" I asked, taking him from 'Bob', I wasn't really comfortable letting a person I just met hold Dylan. He seemed so excited that he couldn't even speak and just nodded his head.

I went up to the cashier and spoke, "Can I get chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate sauce then cookie and Oreo on top of that please."

She didn't seem fazed by the massive order, she was more interested in looking at the boys while unbuttoning her first 3 buttons of her shirt. Obviously trying to gain the attention from the boys.

"That would be £10.98 please," she said. I was about to give her the money when a 20 pound note slipped in before me. I looked at it then my eyes travelled up the owner of the arm and finally the face. It was 'Bob'.

The lady gave him his change and he brought the ice cream over to a booth that most one of the boys were already sitting in. The others were following behind me.

Dylan snuggled his head into my shoulder. I looked behind me to see the boys trying to pull funny faces at him, it was rather amusing. Even so, Dylan looked tired and I knew that we would have to go back to the hotel after this.

Sitting down, I placed Dylan beside me and as soon as the ice cream was set in front of him, his eyes brightened.

I looked over to 'Bob' and spoke, "you really didn't have to pay for his ice cream, you know?" I didn't feel guilty that he paid though, it was his choice.

"I know, but I promised your son that I would get him some ice cream," he replied. My son? What does he mean?

"My son?" I questioned.

"Yes, your son, by the way I never got to ask you or your son for your name. I'm Tyler and this is Carter, Blake and Chase." He pointed out all the boys as he did so. I nodded my head at each boy.

"I'm Skylar and this is Dylan, but he's not m-" I got cut off by all the boys saying hello to Dylan and I.

"So, where's your daddy?" Bo-I mean Tyler, asked Dylan.

"As I was trying to sa-" Once again I was cut off, this time by Dylan.

"I don't have a daddy," Dylan said. I always felt sorry that he never had a father figure in his life. Now he doesn't even have a mother and I have to try my best to be that mother figure.

I sighed, "I don't know what gave you the idea that I am his mum, but it's wrong. I'm his sister," I explained. Really though? A mother at 12 years old? I don't think so.

The boys lips all fotmed into an 'o' shape. It was quite entertaining.

As I focused on Dylan I realised that he had finished his ice cream and his eyelids were drooping. Closing more every time he blinked. I don't know how I'm going to get him home, I only have a motorbike and I don't want to risk anything if he is asleep.

"Is something wrong?" I believe, Blake, asked. A concerned look on all of their faces.

I exhaled loudly, "I don't have a way of getting Dylan home safely if he's going to be asleep." I explained. They all seemed to have an understanding look on their faces.

I pulled Dylan to my lap so that he was more comfortable and he cuddled up to me. Unexpectedly, Tyler asked, "How did you get here?"

I responded with a simple, "my bike."

"I can ride your bike. I've got a helmet in my car. Blake, Carter and Chase can drive you and I'll just follow. That way you can get home safely."

I contemplated it for a while and as I looked at Dylan in my arms I knew that it was my only option. "Okay."

I picked up Dylan like a baby and they followed me to my bike. All of our bags was already with the motorbike so I just have to give Tyler the key.

As I turned around, I noticed that they had stopped and were staring at my bike in awe. Their jaws had dropped and their eyes widened, it was pretty comical.

I just gave Tyler the key and a pat on his back, "you know how to drive this thing, don't you?"

"Of course. I just didn't expect you to have one, and a hot one at that." He replied. Well at least I know that he can drive it.

I went back with the boys to their car.

I gently placed Dylan beside me and they started to drive. Behind us I could see Tyler following. I was just giving them directions to the hotel but on the way to the hotel I saw a school; It was massive. They must've taken a different route from me.

We started slowing down and as I looked through the window I noticed we were here. I got out with Dylan in my arms, me carrying him like a baby. Not having any free arms, Tyler followed me up to my room door even though I was a bit wary.

Once I got there I made sure he stayed outside. I quickly changed Dylan into his pyjamas and covered him with the duvet. He was already asleep.

I went to the door to collect my belongings from him and brought them inside. Once that was done, I went back to Tyler and said, "thank you for helping me out today, I really appreciate it. Bye."

"Bye. I hope to see you soon." He responded.

I closed the door, put my pyjamas on and went to bed.

That's the most fun I've had in ages.

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