Chapter 28

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I came back from my fight triumphant.

I had won and feeling the rolled up money in my pocket on the walk home reminded me of my punch that knocked him unconscious, winning me the match.

I reached the house and was relieved to see that no lights were on inside.

Everyone was still asleep.

This time I took my time climbing the tree though I found it to be much easier on the way up than the way down.

Despite having to use more strength, which was a struggle after the fight, it was less easy to slip.

Once reaching the branch that extended to my window, I edged along it and blew out a sigh when seeing that the window was still partly open.

I was able to ease it open, only pausing once I heard it creak. I peeped at the other windows to make sure none of the rooms had turned on their light before carrying on, pulling it all the way up.

Sliding onto the window sill, I threw one leg over, into the room before doing the same with the other.

I landed on the carpet and placed my bag down beside my feet.

Reaching my hands out to the window, I closed it, making sure to be careful of the creak it made on the way down.

A small smile made its way onto my face at the events of the night.

I had done it.

No one had noticed.

Though I came back with a few bruises, it was nothing out of the ordinary.

They were to be expected, I wasn't perfect at fighting.

I walked over to the door, making sure the key was still in. It was still locked so I unlocked it in case Dylan needed anything, then moved towards the bed.

I couldn't take a shower.

They would be too suspicious of my previous whereabouts if they woke up to the sound of running water at this time of the morning.

So I tugged my clothes off, swapping my sports bra for a normal one and slipped under the covers.

I closed my eyes as a wave of exhaustion hit, falling into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up confused by my surroundings until I remembered where I was.

At Blake's house because our apartment had flooded.

I sat up, my joints protesting as I moved. Honestly, I should have just taken the shower. I was too sore to move.

I looked down to my leg which had been injured the night before.

Damn, I really should have showered.

The fact that it got worse from my fight yesterday was no surprise to me. The prick targeted that part of my leg once seeing the wound.

Even though I had cleaned up the dried blood before fighting, he still managed to notice it.

His filthy shoes kept kicking me in that spot and I was worried that the dirt had gotten in it, possibly infecting it.

I pushed myself off the bed, walking over to the bathroom connected to my bedroom and forced myself under the water after stripping my underwear off.

The water soothed me and relaxed my muscles. I made sure to properly rinse my leg, not wanting to use soap on it in case it became irritated.

Once I had washed, using the soap I had found on the side, I stepped out and dried off.

I was satisfied to see that my leg was fine, it hadn't worsened because of the fight.

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