Chapter 4

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This morning I woke up to my alarm. Today was the first day of a new school for us and I didn't want us to be late.

I got dressed into a plain white T-shirt, grey skinny jeans, my usual black leather jacket. This was finished off with a pair of black buckle boots. This shouldn't attract attention, it was plain and simple, it was me. As a final touch I added my little cartilage hoop earring in, my other hoop earring was already in my tragus.

I brushed my hair and left it in its natural beach waves.

After this, I went to wake up Dylan.

I kissed him on the cheek while gently rubbing his arm. "Good morning baby boy. We have school today and we can't want to be late today."

As soon as I said this he shot out of bed, nearly bumping my forehead in the process. "Good morning Mummy," he said excitedly. The words made me grin instantly.

I went to the kitchen while Dylan got dressed into the clothes I gave him.

I went to the fridge to get some milk. When I got it out I realised that there was only enough for one bowl of milk.

I sighed, I guess I won't be having breakfast then.

Whilst pouring the milk, Dylan came in dressed. However, his buttons were in all the wrong places. I don't understand this boy, he is able to do his shoelaces but he can't button his top correctly.

Shaking my head whilst trying not to laugh, I walked over to him. I knelt down in front of him and undid all of his buttons. Then I redid them for him, leaving the top two undone.

He was wearing a plaid shirt with black skinny jeans, and all black converses.

He walked over to the counter and I sat him on top of it. He started spooning the cereal into his mouth. Soon enough he was done and we were at the door about to leave.

I grabbed his leather jacket and his beanie for him and put them on him.

We walked out hands clasped until we got to my motorbike. I checked the time on my phone and saw that we were on time which was good.

I clipped his helmet on and put down his visor. Plopping him on, I got on behind him making sure he was secured and stable. Once I knew he was, I started driving towards my school.


I parked my motorbike the closest I could to Dylan's school...which was the furthest parking space away from my school. I got off then picked Dylan up from the bike and put him on the ground.

Even though we weren't anywhere near the school's front doors, most people seemed to be looking in our direction. I looked behind me to see if I could pick up on what they seemed so interested in when I realised that it was us they were staring at.

Oh. I mentally face palmed.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Dylan tugging on my jacket. "Come on mummy, I want to go to school and make friends. I don't want to be late on my first day." He told me.

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