Chapter 5

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(Y/n) was once again in the park drawing when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Obviously she turned to see who it was, only to be met with the grinning face of Samantha and Chandler standing behind her.

"Why hello you two, what do I have the pleasure to find both of you here?" (Y/n) asked in a calm voice.

"Soooooo, we have seen you around a certain fello, newsie, . . ., that's all I can say about him," Samantha said leaning over the back of the bench to talk to (y/n), "Basically we want to know if you all are something or just friends?" Chandler said jumping over then back of the bench to sit next to (y/n).

"They will soon," Samantha whispered and Chandler slightly nugged her arm, "no no, nothing like that at all we are just friends from the theater, that's all," (y/n) giggled while waving her hand at her two friends.

She thought it was a joke. It was in fact, not.


As soon a Jack got back from selling papers Race a ran up to him with Crutchie hobbling along.

"Jack, Jack, we gots a question for ya," Race said in a eager tone, " and what might this question be?" Jack continued. By now Crutchie was next to Race and showed the same eagerness as him.

"Listen Jack, we gots too know, do youse happen to like any goils?" Crutchie asked somehow hiding most of his excitement, "well, not at the moment no, what's it too ya?" Jack responded, "well there's this goil at the theater and she gots some eyepatch," Race said, cutting Crutchie off as Crutchie slowly closed his mouth after he was about to speak.

Jack's heart fluttered. The only girl at the theater with an eyepatch is (y/n) yet he still had no reason why she wore it.

Jack did indeed like (y/n) in that sort of manner, but he just brushed it to the back of his mind and thought of her as a friend for the past 4 or 5 months they've known each other. He also knew he couldn't tell the other newsboys or else he wouldn't hear the end of it. So he kept it to himself and left it there.

"Hello earth to Jack!" Race said waving his hand in front if a zoned out Jack. Jack blinked out of his thoughts, his face tinted with pink, snapped back to reality.

"So we've been seeing youse two together a lot, somethin goin one between youse two?" Race asked with a smirk forming on his face.

Race and Crutchie then proceeded to drain Jack of info on (y/n) and his thoughts on her.


Later that night Jack's thoughts about how (y/n) and him together came back and slowly took over his mind that night. And although the roof was cold since it was metal, Jack had peaceful dreams that night.


Hey, sorry I didn't do this yesterday but it's here now and we are just gonna go with it.

The boy at the theater (Jack kelly x reader) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now