chapter 11

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(Y/n) was in her dressing room tapping her feet on the floor with Chandler and Samantha next to her.

"He's got too confess, that's the only thing he could be doing," Samantha said trying to comfort her friend, "well what if he's not, what if he says that he doesn't want to be friends anymore or..." (y/n) went on about all the negative possibilities until she was interrupted by Chandler grabbing her face and saying, "stop panicking, if he does end out confessing, great but if he doesn't then we will be here for you okay," "well what if he just has something urgent to say that doesn't have to do with confession?" "What Chandler means is, if he doesn't confess, now is the perfect time for you too, and if he rejects you, then we will comfort you and beat his ass," Samantha responded to (y/n)'s panic, "Yeah, what she said," Chandler added.


Davey walked Jack to the theater and was hyping him up. "Here's the plan Jack, you meet her on stage and you give her the picture you drew of her, then you confess your feelings to her and then if she says no we will all be there for you, got it?" "What if she says yes?" "Then you're dating, genius." Davey and Jack didn't bring Les along because they knew he would ruin the moment.

Once they got to the theater Medda greeted them, "Jack there you are, (y/n) said you told her to tell me to tell her when you got here, are you finally confessing?" Medda asked, "Yeah, I'm really nervous though, what if she says no?" "Jack stop panicking and go get ya girl!" Davey said while shaking Jack but the shoulders.


"Oh (y/n)! Jack is here," Medda said cracking the door open just a little, "be right there." (Y/n) wiped her hands and forehead with her handkerchief and walked to the stage. Jack was there wiping his hands on his pants and was triple checking to see if he didn't forget the drawing. Little did either of them know their buddies were watching from afar.

"Hello Jack, you wanted to talk to me," "yes ah, yes I did," Jack said while grabbing the drawing out of his bag, (y/n) was astonished at it. She looked at every little detail that Jack included. "I also wanted to tell you something and I know it would only put my mind at ease if you knew," this statement caused (y/n) to start putting the drawing away while looking at Jack, "I have known you for a whole year now, and over this time period I noticed that I fell in love with yo-," Jack was cut off by (y/n) grabbing his black vest and pulling him in for a kiss.

Jack was in shock at first but soon kissed back as he snaked a hand around her waist, pulling her in closer. (Y/n) did the same but around his neck and she could feel the smile on his face causing her to do the same. She then cupped his cheek and they soon split apart. "I love you too Jack," (y/n) whispered, this caused Jack to hug her, pick her up, and twirl her around.


It wasn't long before Davey was already running to the lodging house to tell all the other newsies about Jack's confession (all of them knew what was going on by now). "Boys!" Davey screamed bursting through the door, "what?" Half of the boys said at the same time, "she accepted his confession!" All the boys cheered and jumped up and ready to go congratulate their friend (and meet his new girl). "Slow down now, he ain't here yet, they are still at the theater," all the boys sat back down.

"Now we have some ground rules about this," Davey said and all the newsboys shared a look of confusion,

"Number 1, no making sexual jokes or any other form of joke that will embarrass them,"

"Number two, no flirting with (y/n) *cough* Race and Romeo *cough*"

"And number three-" "OKAY WE GET IT, DONT BOTHER THEM ALRIGHT!!!" Race said embarrassed by getting called out, "Alright then, that settles it," Crutchie said.


"I swear to God if he lays a finger on her I'm gonna kill em," Samantha said as she and Chandler walked back to the dressing room, "no don't do that or I'll kill you," Chandler responded.

Just like Davey and the other newsboys, Chandler set some ground rules about not getting to close into their relationship, but I won't get too into that.

Samantha groaned and rolled her eyes as she was told all the things she couldn't do to hurt Jack if he hurt (y/n). "And this means no threatening," "WHAT WHY!?!" Samantha asked jolting up on the couch in the room. This caused Chandler to facepalm.

This continued on until Samantha fell asleep after getting bored from all the rules.


Soooooo, it finally happened, how we feeling? You know this chapter made me realize how sad I'm gonna be when I'm done writing this story. Anyway have a good day!💛

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