Chapter two;

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It has been two years since the Autobots arrived on earth, and Suki and Optimus now has a ten-year-old daughter named Miyu Lee Prime.

everyone agreed to have a two-year anniversary party for NEST when they returned and Suki stayed at Base to do some reports with her boyfriend. "So Suki, you comin' to the party?" "I'll ask Optimus, and we both know, he's not a big fan of parties because remember New year's eve?" "Slag, I never knew that he would end up shitfaced as humans say." "Yeah, I mean he drinks but he doesn't drink like the rest of you, and Ratchet doesn't drink in front of Bee, and Optimus and I have a daughter, and we can't bring her to things like that, she's eight years old." "Hey, I'm only 18 Vorns old." "Exactly, Bee, I don't need a call saying you got shit faced a college party." "Language Ironhide!" "I gotta go so Sam and I can pack up for college." "I'll co.e along." Bee hopped in my car and we arrived at my parents house, Bee moved in with Sam so Sam wasn't alone. "Alright, people let's get moving!" "Suki!" "Okay." I helped Sam and Bee pack their things, good thing they marked their boxes. Ian and Richard helped Bee move his things to Ian's truck. "We'll miss ya kid." Dad." Richard was happy to see his son going off to college and Ian sighed. "Hon, he needs to get the rest of his things." "I know, it won't be the same." "Dad, I'll call you, I promise."

Everyone loaded up the last their things and I waved bye to my family and Ratchet waved bye to his son and husband who went with the Witwicky's and Bee to help them move in.

We returned to base. "Hello, my love, where is Ironhide?" "Bee is going to Collage!" "Is Ratchet going to be okay?" "Yes, he just misses his son." "that will be us when our daughter goes to college or University." "Yeah." "Mama!" "There's my little angel." Optimus smiled at his girlfriend and daughter he couldn't imagine a better life than this. Miyu was a very smart girl for her age.

Ironhide returned to base and everyone was getting ready for NEST's two-year anniversary of being active.

"Hey, mom said she's watched Miyu while we attend tonight's party." "Alright."

With Optimus and Elita;
"Why are we here?" "Well, do you want to marry, Suki?" "Yes." "Then, I'm here to help you because I want this proposal to be perfect." "Like yours and Jay's was?" "Exactly!" She dragged her best friend all over. Elita saw one that matched Suki's style.

"It is her birthstone."
Elita found an emerald green box

"Oh my goodness, it's too perfect." "Lucky woman?" "No, Orion, is going to be proposing to his girlfriend I came with him as moral support." "I see."

At home;
Optimus came home. "Where were you, hun?" He kissed me. "Elita dragged me all over San Diego to pass the time until the NEST anniversary party began." "Okay." "Don't worry I only have eyes for my worrier dragon." "I'm not worried about it, but I find it funny though, because I can never drag your butt out of your office or bed, but Elita managed, and I wonder how she did it." "I do not know either, but I am glad she did, because being in my office is not always a good thing." "Nope, it's not."
I heard my phone buzz.
"Hello?" "Girl, you can not believe how hard it was to drag your boyfriend/baby daddy out of the house." "Trust me, girl I know and I never succeeded at it, and how did you manage?" "Oh, I promised him coffee." "Of course the mention of coffee while out running errands would make him get up and get going." "Yep, one mention of coffee he's up and running." "Well, me and Optimus have to get ready for the party." "Okay, see you later." "Yep." I hung up and finished my makeup. Optimus was getting into his commander uniform because it was an elegant party after all and the Autobot Commander and Major Lennox, and Epps have to dress up for this, and I came out.

Optimus and I were ready. I was fixing up my hair and I wore a red dress and I lastely put on my makeup to compliment my look.

My makeup;

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