All Mekahumans traveled together until 1 CE, when they sent up a base around modern day Poland. This base looked a bit like a camp, with tents and small houses, but with big walls around it.
The camp was like a small town. It's where Mekahumans would raise families. Mekahumans wouls leave for missions, and Xanthippe, Aatamgosh. Harsha, Tomo, Aristodemos, and Konclwani were the ones who continuted to travel and be nomads. They did stop by the camp once a year.
Opposites appear whenever a Mekahuman gain their powers. And they don't have much personality outside of murdering anyone who's species starts with the words mekahuman, like Mekahumans, Mekahuman Descendants, and Mekahuman Grand Descendants.
Gifting Mekahumans used to be a lot more common before Aristodemos died, mainly because they didn't have to worry about the Opposites. Now that the Mekahumans do, they're a lot more afraid of accidentally creating an Opposite they can't stop.
Since Aristodemos was a Mekahuman before he got possessed by the spirit that would become the first Opposite, Mekahumans have called him an Oppohuman, since they know that he is not fully a Mekahuman anymore, but is by no means an Opposite.
This is also because Aristodemos is still aware of what's happening, he's just watching what the spirit does with his body. Since there is a Mekahuman spirit and an Opposite spirit, Aristodemos has technically become both, hence the name Oppohuman.