Vegas Lights

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the beep of the alarm clock woke me up from my sleep. Where th hell as I? Then I remembered. I was in our tourbus! We had bought it brand new at a rock bottom price with no paper work from a shifty seeming car dealer before we set off. It was bright yellow and a double decker with FALL OUT BOY (our band name) on the side in neon pink surrounded by multicoloured stars. It was so emo.

We were about halfway through our tour, concluding in Baltimore of course, and so far we had played Chicargo, Texas, Nashville, New York, New Jersey, Seattle, Los Angeles, ICan'tThinkOfAnyMorePlacesInAmerica, and now we were in Vegas, home of casinos and garish decor.

We had found out, by complete coincidence, we could all play instruments really well. Andy played drums, Joe played guitar, Gerard sang, Brandon played guitar and sang, and I played drums, guitar, piano, trumpet and sang. What can I say, I'm really talented. We didn't have a bassist, but everyone always ignored the bassist anyway. They were the never the most famous in the band.

WE had actually become quite famous, and now had a global fanbase of teenagers (which Gerard was scared of, idk why) who would carry out our every command.

We. Had been constantly been playing shows since we began, and we had only got halfway to Baltimore. I was exhausted. Then I remembered something.

"ITS OUR DAY OFF!" I cheered.

"No schnitzels Sherlock," said Gerard sassily. Even though he was no longer a oatmeal cookie, he was still a complete sassmonster.

"Oh dear, they were my favourite German/Austrian breakfast," groaned Andy.

"So what are we all up to today?" I asked happily.

"Well there's a marching band coming into the city Gerard wants to see, so me and him going to go and see that." Smiled Brendon.

"Andy and I are gonna go and do some........gambling around Vegas," fibbed Joe.

"Well I'm gonna stay in and do some lyric writing," I laughed for no apparent reason. i was in a great mood, the only thing that could improve it was Petey. Remembering Petey made me feel sad for a second, then I was taken over by the urge to kill Mr Gaskarth.

*later that morning*

I was sat with my notebook on my bed, writing lyrics. Something about the song I had written just didn't seem right. So far I had:

He woke up from dreaming and put on his band merch
Started making his way past 2 in the morning,
He hasn't been happy for days,

Leaning now into the breeze,
Remembering Tuesday, he falls to his knees,
They had school lunch together,
But 17 pieces of pizza don't last,
Like the feeling of what he needs,

Now this school bathroom seems familiar to him,
He pulled on his hand with a delvilish grin,
He led him in there, he led him in there,
Leaving him dying to get in,

Forgive me, I'm trying to find,
My calling, I'm calling at night,
I don't mean to be a bother,
But have you seen this emo?
He's been running through my dreams,
And it's driving me crazy it seems,
I'm gonna ask him to marry me.

Something just wasn't right. It was barely better the the poem I wrote in English class that fateful Tuesday. It was the sort of melodramatic crêpe Mr Gaskarth would write for gods sake. Moaning so hard my lung popped out, I slammed my notebook shut in frustration.

"PATRICK! PATRICK! PATRICK MARTIN STUMP!!!!!!!!!" I could faintly hear someone calling my name. I opened the door of the tourbus to see an ashen-faced Brendon Urine.

"You ok Brennie," I asked, using the cool new nickname I had for him.

"I am, but Gee isn't," Brendon cried.

I realised Gerard hadn't come back with him. "Oh my god what happened," I whispered.

Brendon wiped away his tears. "We had just finished watching the marching band, and we were going to get some milkshakes. But then-," he began to cry again, "some teenagers came."

I gasped. Gerard's greatest fear.

Brendon swallowed and continued. "He ran, but not fast enough. They kidnapped him Pattycakes."

"We must put our search for Mr Gaskarth on hiatus!" I cried. "We need to find Gerard!"

"No,no,no," interrupted Brendon quickly. "We must keep on touring and make Gaskarth pay. It's what Gee would want. No arguing."

*that evening*

It was just me and Brendon on the bus. Gee of course was missing and Andy and Joe had left a voicemail saying:
'Um...we're gonna stay at the casino a bit *giggling in background* by a bit we mean we'll be back tomorrow morning.....*more giggling*.......*sound of bottle smashing* were totally not a couple.........bye pat!!!!' It was the oddest voice mail I had ever received, and i suspected they were completely smashed. I also suspected they were a couple, but in all honestly I didn't care because it was just a side character romance so no one gave a flying feather.

Brendon and me were eating Chinese takeaway on the sofa (pizza reminded me too much of Pete) and watching Sherlock. We eventually turned it off because John's sassiness reminded us of Gerard, so we just talked about anything and everything.

The evening sunlight streamed through the window. "Oh god I hate sunlight imma close the curtains," I looked at him curiously.

Brendon returned to the sofa. I realised I had to tell him my suspicions.

"Well Brennie, the thing don't go out in sunlight. Your skin's milk white and ice cold. Your canines are inhumanly pointy. You like your meat extra rare..." I trailed off to see Brendon staring into my eyes.

"Say it," he whispered.

"I know what you are." I murmur.

"Say it," he hissed again.

"A VAMPIRE!" I cried, as Brendon did a macho-vampire-Edward Cullen-face. I stared into his eyes. Slowly, he began to kiss me. Despite him being ice cold so like kissing an ice cube, it was still incredible.

It wasn't nearly as good as Pete, but Pete was dead. I had to accept that and move on. He was never going to come back. Me and Brendon passionately made out on the sofa.

By the time I went to bed that night, there were three things about which I was abseloutly positive. Firstly, Brendon was a vampire. Secondly, I was terrible at writing lyrics. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.


Imma do it. It wuz gonna be hard, but werth it. Werth it 2 c Patrick again. I still lurved him so much.

Imma cum back as a ghost.

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