The Ceiling

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3rd POV

I don't know if the author informed you MC goes back and forth between the human world and the Devildom, constantly.

MC asked Lucifer for suggestions for Gamer Boi and Broke Boi. It worked out perfectly.


Both MC and Lucifer tiptoed from the left and right door into the library. MC placed down one of their (fav/color) Nintendo cases. That would easily trick Levi, he'll get curious. Lucifer placed down a few bundles of devil points he borrowed for Diavolo, him vowing to retrieve the money after this is over. Mammon could not resist money. No matter what. Satan got Levi to go to the library. Satan left the room and eventually Levi was destined to get bored without his normal manga, shows, or games. Levi saw across the room something that looks like an Nintendo case. He walked up to it easily noticing the net and stopped in his tracks. Satan pushed him. Leviathan's skin incontact with the net, he zoomed up, his back hit the ceiling harshly. "Oww." "Hi, Levi!" MC looked up at him and waved. "Player 2, help me!" Lucifer came from behind in his demon form. He flew up and duck taped Leviathan's mouth to the point where he can't scream. "Now.." "We wait for Mammon."

NOT MAMMON. Levi spent the next hour struggling to get out but not succeeding. MC was trying to talk Levi out of wasting his energy.


Within the hour Mammon wasn't falling for it.

"Beel, ya and me both know, we don't read books!" "We've been here for 40 minutes. Just listen to me or I'll eat you." "Y-ya won't do t-that." Mammon said sheepishly. Beel pulled out a machete knife and a fork. "Walk forward. To the library." Sorry this was Satan's idea. Beel continued to feel bad.

A moment later.

"I'm sorry, I won't actually eat you." Mammon was still scared from the knife. "It was like a horror movie." Mammon whispered to himself. Beel heard him and gave him a hug. "Sorry." "I feel short now." Mammon added within the hug. Beel left the library for Mammon to fall for the trap.


Mammon's POV

This is a waste of time- "Oouh! Money!"

There's a net.. Wait it a damn minute. "Lucifer, are ya here!?" I didn't get my response within 5 second so, I go to grab the money with a smile on my face. That was not a good choice. Next thing you know, I'm on the ceiling next to Levi. Lucifer flies up to us.
"I am here." Lucifer did his signature smirk. He ripped the tape off of Levi's mouth. "You sound like All Might from that one anime called 'My Hero Academia' it's where a boy eats All Might's hair and he gets superpowers and-" "Sounds stupid. MC already told me the fandom was toxic, like you." I told him. "Daaamn." MC, who came out of nowhere, pointed out. "Hi, MC!" We both shout at the same time. "Hey, guys. Me and Lucifer have both brought you here today to rekindle your brothership? Is that a word?" MC asked Lucifer. "I haven't had my afternoon coffee; I can't let you know if it's true or not." Lucifer flapped his 4 wings, gently, and continued to speak. "We are going to let you argue till you both make up. Have fun." He then fled the room.

30 minutes later

"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier!" He sang.
"Levi, shut up. Your voice sucks." "No, it doesn't, people love my voice." "Who? Huh." "My followers who love Genshin Impa-" "Real people, Levi. Not ya scambot, npc friends." I laughed and continued. "Like, I have MC. More than a friend, a girl/boyfriend. You like my voice right, MC?" Levi was real jealous after that statement, his face said all, but his ass better get over it. "Both of your voices are hot but, (any other character) has the best and hottest voice." "Understandable." Levi said defeated.
"Wow. The betrayal." I added. "I still love you both." I turned away, jealous.
"MC, can you get me my headphones?" Asked Levi. "After you both sort things out."

The next day.

"MC, ask Lucifer if we can come down yet. I'm sweating."
"That's normal." I told him. "The torture you've been through.."
"Lucifer is like an angry grandma with a cane." Levi busted out with laughter and couldn't stop for the next 10 minutes.

"Evil" Mammon ~ Avatar of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now