Truth and Dare

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Chapter 26

Avu: okk so let's play truth and dare

All nodded

Avu: i will bring bottle and snacks

And she went.

Again she came back

Avu: Siddharth as a "gentleman" you should come and help me, shouldn't you? (She said air quoting)

Sid: So you want the great Siddharth Nigam to help you

Avu: wait did you failed the science experiment or, are you Mr. Potato that you can't help me?

Sid: why are you so annoying

Rii: really she is annoying sometimes (whispered to sid)

Both laughed but unfortunately avu heard that

Avu: rii i will not spare you

Rii: sorry sorry jally

Avu: hutttt Siddharth are you coming or not?

Sid nodded and went and all laughed

Sidneet came in the kitchen. Avu was finding the bottles and finally she found the bottles. She stood up but the height denied so she took the table and took the bottles but but but

Her leg slipped and she fell down and she closed her eyes due to fear but then she realized a pair of arms were holding her in bridal style.
They both were lost in each other

Avu's pov

These Hazel brown eyes yarrr. Feeling like drowning in them, he has perfect jawline. His facial features are all perfect. Avu what are you thinking, about this bandar. Am i falling for him. No no no avu


Sid's pov

She's way too cute although a cabbit but still, she's way too beautiful. Yarr she is the way tooo cute. Chii sid what are you thinking, am i falling for her. No you can't sid, you can't

End of povs

Riishek fake coughed and smirked

Rii: you guysss do all things in your room yarr i am so innocent (fake innocent face)

Abhi: so much desperate they are you know rii i caught them- (sidneet cuts them)

Sidneet: lets goooo

They went

All sat in the position


They started playing

Sid spinned the bottle and the bottle pointed towards vaish.

Sid: truth or dare

Vaish: truth

Anu: i will ask

Vaish nodded

Anu: before abhi bhai how many ex boyfriends were you having

Vaish: umm i think 5

Abhi's eyes widen

Vaish: don't be scared you are last.

All laughed

Vaish spinned the bottle and the bottle pointed towards rii

Rii: truth

Avu: your first crush?

Rii: my first crush was you only but you friend zoned me but but she knew that (fake grumpy face)

Avu: becahraaa

All laughed except sidnushka because they both was jealous.

Ri saw anu's sad face but he pecked her cheek and she blushed

Sid: lets continue you both can do your romance later on

Ri spinned the bottle and it landed on avu

Avu: ok i will go with dare

Abhi: i will give her dare

Abhi smirked

Abhi: you have to sit on Sid's lap till the game ends

Sidneet: noooooooo

Abhi: dare is dare

Avu got up and sat on Sid's lap comfortably and sid kept his chin on her shoulder and back hugged her. Avu blushed but hid it

All except sidneet smirked

Ri: i am jealous (fake crying)

Anu: now i am jealous because he is jealous (fake crying)

Avu: drama queens

All laughed

Avu spinned the bottle and landed on abhi.

Abhi: truth

Avu: so what was your identity when you were in college

Abhi: i was called as (Sid cuts him)

Sid: Mr.Flirt

Vaish's eyes widen

Abhi: shut upp don't be serious vaishu i was also called as Mr. Joke as i always cracks joke and one of my famous joke was " Maths is too young and can't solve it's problems that's why we have to solve it but why can't maths understand that it's 'X' is gone and there is no point of finding it again and again "

He laughed and all made weird faces.

Vaish: How unreal and illogical joke is this i wonder sometimes how could i fall for this idiot

All laughed except abhi and he made grumpy face

They played few more rounds

Sid: okk my legs are hurting so guys and (pointing avu) bhais

Avu's eyes widen

Avu: whattttt

She got up but before she hits him he quickly got up and ran away.

Avu: you called me Bhais

Avu Throwed the cushions towards him.

He run towards his room followed by avu

Sid: sorry

Avu: you have to do something for me then only i will forgive you

Sid came near to her ear and shouted but due to sudden action they lost their balance and both fell on bed and avu was on top and before they could digest what happened abhinavi and rinushka barged in

They quickly turned around covered their eyes

Abhi: i think we should leave them alone they are so eagerly waiting to SLEEP (emphasizing"sleep")

Sidneet got up and were blushing but they quickly hid their blush

Sidneet pov

Why am i blushing. Stop blushing sid/avu. But why am i blushing am i falling for her/him.
Maybe yes but this nakchadi/bandar, I don't know about her/his feelings.

End of pov

All left and were teasing each other.

Avu:let's watch movieeeeeee

Sid: jeez woman you will make me deaf one day sottish girl (murmured last 2 words but unfortunately avu heard it)

Avu(whispers): this sottish girl will see you afterwards (gritting her teeth)

Sid gulped

Sid: lets go and watch 'THOR' (eyeing towards avu)

Avu: now you are gone Siddharth Nigam

She holded his neck little tight and sid felt unconscious

How was the chapter

Ummm i think longest this was longest chapter among the chapters i gave you all till date

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