1: Life Without Magic

34 8 6

1079 AP (after phoenix)
White Wolf 8th
Southern Elvaria

In the snowy lush forests of Elvaria, a hooded woman is struggling to sprint through the inches of snow unintentionally dragging her feet just get to through the snow. She can hear horses galloping through the snow behind her, she tries going faster but her body betrays collapsing due to exhaustion.

Her heart beats against her chest like a drum with her lungs on fire. She sees four horses of different variety surround her.

"Well looks like the elven bitch finally got tired, tie her up then we'll continue where we left of." The bandit leader orders.

Three bandits leave their horses with rope in one of their hands. The female elf pulls out a very short dagger making the human bandits laugh in amusement.

"Seems I was wrong, bitch still has some fight in her." The leader says leaving his horse.

The female poorly threatens with the dagger but being surrounded proves too much for her as she's tackled to the ground and held down by the bandits.

"You're lucky it's freezing out here, otherwise we'd take turns on you." Bandit leader says as one of the bandits begin tying her up.

One of the bandits hears what sounds like a horse and turns seeing a black steel sword come at his neck which decapitates him. The rest of the bandits stand alerted seeing a brown house gallop past but it's rider pulls in the reigns and gets it to turn.

"Leave her be." The cloaked rider demands while gripping the black steel blade by the hilt.

The bandit notices this and sees the rider's royal blue eyes and blonde beard.

"Oi bastard, where'd you get a fine piece of steel like that?" Bandit leader questions.

"It was given to me. If you want it? Come take it then." He retorts hopping off his horse and lowers his hood revealing to be Lexington Hunter.

The bandits laugh hearing this as they begin circling him while the female elf looks on in worry. Lexington gazes around at the bandits waiting for them to initiate the first attack.

Lexington grips the hilt of tempest tightly shining from the moonlight and the snow crunching beneath his feet. A bandit rushes Lex who effortlessly parries this strike to the side and swings tempest against the bottom forearm splattering blood across the white snow.

Lexington quickly turns to the other bandits maintaining a strong posture. The two bandits try giving fake charges but Lexington isn't taking the bait as they clearly recognize that he's trained.

The two bandits charge Lex in hopes of overwhelming him. Lexington quickly maneuvers around the two as one tries continuing the attack but Lexington parries the strike while grabbing and twisting the bandit's wrist making him drop his blade and forces him on his back.

Lexington plunges Tempest into the bandit's face ending him easily. Lexington twirls the bloodied tempest and holds a strong posture.

The bandit leader looks in annoyance and sees the black steel armor which dawns on him.

"Oh I see now, you're a bloody Huntsman." He growls as the other bandit gets up bleeding from his forearm.

Lexington remains silent not interested in entertaining the bandit. Lexington maintains his position till the bandits run at him. Lexington blocks their strikes with quickness as he's being forced back till he trips and falls on his back.

Lexington quickly whistles in a pattern with Robyn galloping towards the bandits and kicks the injured bandit right in the face indenting most of his skull and killing him.

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