12: Training The Trio

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1079 AP (after Phoenix)
White Wolf 19th

Lexington is brushing Robyn who is tied to a tree as the Wolf tribe has made camp as it's still a long way back to Blue Horizon. Robyn lightly hits Lex's face with her snout.

"Robyn stop being a baby, you need to be cleaned." Lex sighs out annoyed with his horse's childlike defiance for an animal.

The trio of elves are watching this from a distance finding some amusement.

"You doing okay Deiratos?" Hyga questions as he's been quiet ever since they left.

"I suppose, part of me feels strange yet indifferent to leaving our tribe... But maybe it's for the best." Deiratos replies.

Ayra chuckles somewhat hearing this.

"It certainly means you won't be picking fights at a regular basis, oh who am I kidding? You're still gonna pick fights." Ayra jests as Deiratos furrows his brows hearing this, very much annoyed.

Lexington heads over to the trio and holds his hands by the fire while he looks at the night starts, a relaxing sight.

"If you don't mind me asking Master Hunter, how long will it take to reach Griffin Island?" Hyga questions.

"Not particularly long, I just need to use the communication crystal and my father will teleport here so he can teleport the rest of you there... Also I'm not a Master." Lexington adds on.

The trio look amongst each other.

"What even is your rank in the order?" Ayra curiously questions as Lex's eyes wander about.

"I... Actually don't know, I was a Huntsman in training many months ago till... A unique set of circumstances occurred, but I'd probably say I'm a Junior Huntsman, meaning I can go on contracted hunts but I am by no means a high ranking member that can make impactful decisions."

The trio nod finding this curious as they can see Lex silent and deep in his own thoughts but aren't able to gather what he's thinking about.

"Is there anything we should know about Demons? Weaknesses and such?" Deiratos questions figuring the chances of meeting a demon are high.

Lex recognizes this though he honestly would prefer they aren't thrusted into combat against demons if it can be helped.

"For you three? Magic will be your greatest ally, preferably magics that specialize in damage or increasing your own physical strength to overpower them if possible... Black steel is the main material of choice for a Huntsman or Huntress, especially against Demons." Lex advises.

Deiratos acknowledges this as he turns hearing multiple approaching footsteps gaining the attention of the others.

"Huntsman Hunter forgive the intrusion but someone wishes to see you." A Wolf tribe elf states.

Lex raises his brow but his gaze finds Delion with Deiratos shooting to his feet in surprise.

"I'm not here for you exile so calm down." Delion demands with Lex asking what he's doing here. "I... I wish to join your order."

Lex is even more confused as he seems to attract elves for whatever reasons completely lost to him.

"Why?" Lex bluntly questions which catches Delion by surprise. "Do you seek glory? Fame? Women?" He adds.

"None of those things." Delion retorts rather bitterly.

Lex smirks somewhat deciding to have some sort of fun.

"You must have some kind of motivation, unless you're a empty shell of a being... You certainly got the look." Lex teases as Delion glares hearing this barrage of insults.

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