18: Meeting Of The Gods

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Tepstin in his eagle form is following Aiglia after revealing that the gods do exist as the fly is unnervingly tense as Tepstin knows he's really pissed his sister off this time.

"So... what should I expect from the others?" Tepstin asks keeping pace with his sister week glances over.

"Well... your biggest supporter is more than likely Ulfuris, Ryris, Pasillia, and Dyrexas... though that last one is debatable." Aiglia says as Tepstin sighs.

"Dyrexas still doesn't trust me?" Tepstin asks rhetorically knowing the answer to that.

Aiglia and Tepstin eventually are above the clouds as they begin traveling at unreal speeds.

"Dyrexas doesn't trust anyone who isn't of the elven Pantheon, especially after the Averial genocide." Aiglia states heavily with guilt.

"That was Rhaezyar's doing, not ours." Tepstin replies trying to comfort his sister.

"I know... but Dyrexas felt we didn't go far enough, and stripping Rhaezyar of his godhood was the last thing I wanted to do." Aiglia says.

Tepstin sighs understanding his sister's stress as relations between the two Pantheons has always been on thin ice regardless of the many arranged marriages.

The two eventually arrive at Stelion, home of Gods as they fly past multiple buildings as they're flying towards a large central building with multiple chairs placed in a circular fashion with one being more fancier than the others.

Aiglia and Tepstin shift back to their normal forms and take their seats awaiting patiently for the others to arrive. Athrelia is one of the first to arrive seating herself near Tepstin.

"Thank you for helping Lex." Tepstin says earning a slight smile from Athrelia.

"Of course, you owe me though." Athrelia says winking playfully earning a chuckle from the God of Storms himself.

Other gods such as the God of tactics and strategy Athrezal, Syaira the Goddess of water, Frocette the God of ice, Cordécès the God of death, Pasillia the goddess of peace, Ulfuris the god of nature who locks eyes with Aiglia curiously.

Lastly the elven God of Time Ryris himself arrives with his son Dyrexas, the elven God of Justice and strength as they take their seats. Ryris adjusts his long white hair and locks eyes with Aiglia.

"I trust you all know why I called you here... where's Teskial?" Aiglia sighs out placing her fist against her cheek.

"Off harassing someone I imagine." Athrezal quickly replies. "But I imagine this is about your son and what he's been doing unchecked?"

Aiglia sighs taking a deep breath.

"Partly yes but this is also about Tepstin revealing our nature to the mortals without any supervision." Aiglia says with a noticable scoff can be heard from Dyrexas.

"That's what you're concerned about? Not at the fact your son is trying to enslave multiple races and practically cause another genocide?" Dyrexas speaks up harshly not afraid to even if Aiglia is recognized as the Queen of the Gods.

Aiglia stares at the elven God recognizing his frustration but will not take that in front of the others.

"Our nature being revealed has caused the mortals to target us and try removing us from power... need I remind you all what happened with the Dragonborn and the war that came with it?" Aiglia growls out as Dyrexas sighs hearing this.

The rest of the gods are silent but Tepstin speaks up.

"What I did? I did because I thought it was best, this is only happening cause of Rhaezyar's paranoia over the Wolf of The Veil and the Averial's potential to open the veil." Tepstin states standing up with all the Gods and goddesses looking at him.

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