20: Shattering Revelation

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Lexington is currently in his room with Elyria sitting on his lap whilst trimming his hair and beard with a knife that she occasionally douses in hot water. He enjoys the peace and simplicity as strokes her hair with a finger ever so gently.

"You're happy." Elyria points carefully trimming at his beard.

"Well you're currently sitting on my lap love so..." Lexington replies earning an amused chuckle out of Elyria.

Elyria shakes her head adjusting his head so she has a better angle of the left side of his face.

"Anyway... Those bear tribe elves you brought back, met them briefly and seem like a decent bunch... Good apprentices you got under your wing." Elyria states.

Lexington hums hearing this though he's not exactly comfortable with the idea of being referred as their mentor.

"I wouldn't exactly call myself their mentor, especially since Dyliser will likely handle that in the future." Lexington replies earning a curious look from Elyria.

"They seem trust you and you looked out for them." Elyria points out.

"Of course, as any good Huntsman would, I'm not a good option for long-term mentorship." Lexington says as Elyria sets down the knife on a nearby counter.

She places her hands on his stomach caressing some scars.

"You don't think you'd be a good mentor?" Elyria asks as Lex nods in response with Elyria wrapping her arms around his neck. "You don't give yourself enough credit Lex, I think you'd be a good mentor."

Lexington smiles softly hearing this.

"That kind of you to say love." Lexington says leaning in to kiss her.

Suddenly the door opens unexpectedly.

"Uh Lex, I was sent to- oh sweet Ryris!" Hyga says covering his eyes and looking away.

Lex and Elyria look in surprise as Lex quickly covers themselves in a blanket.

"Hyga is knocking a foreign concept to you?" Lexington asks harshly making Elyria laugh in amusement.

"We tribe elves don't exactly have a bunch of doors laying around! Ugh... Headmaster Dante just wanted me to let you know that he wishes to see you." He replies closing the door.

Lex and Elyria exchange looks and get properly dressed. The two walk together to the main hall where everyone is and Dante who greets Lex warmly.

"It's good to see you in good health lad but mind telling me what this is about?" Dante asks as Lex looks his father and the others who know what has to be revealed.

Aiden while next to Petra tilts his head seeing Lex look his way.

"Alright... Bear with me but... This all starts with how my magic came back, it was through a trial with the Elven Goddess of healing Athrelia helping me through whatever was troubling me." Lexington says definitely earning some questionable stares from the others, particularly Elyria.

Dante raises his hand motioning everyone to quiet down and looks at Lex and Simon asking if this is truly true.

"It is Headmaster, I went through it myself long ago." Dyliser states as Dante returns his gaze to Lex when they hear Malakai speak up.

"I mean no disrespect but you certain it was actually Athrelia and not some Spirit or Mage pretending to be her?" Malakai asks with his arms.

Lexington tries speaking up but he sees Tepstin flying in getting everyone's attention followed by a red hawk, white eagle, and a crow flying in.

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now