The Crooked One

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3rd Person POV

As Apollo rode his chariot through the sky, the golden rays of the sunlight, shone through the windows of every cabin. The conch horn blew signalling time for breakfast. Slowly every camper filled the Dining Pavillion as nymphs brought out food. Percy sat at the Hestia table, just as Tim sat at the Poseidon table. Though alone, Percy had no complaint. He liked having peace and quiet to think about the quest.

You shall go west, and face the god who has turned

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

and you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end

Percy tried to decipher the prophecy. So far he knew that the first line meant He had to go to the underworld and that there is a traitor among the gods.

He knew the second one meant to safely return the master bolt, which eased his nerve a little.

The last two lines were what scared him. He would be betrayed by someone close to him.

And finally, he will fail to save what matters most. He didn't know if this meant someone's life would be taken on the quest because they brought 4 instead of 3 quest members, and he didn't want anyone to die.

When he thought of the last line he thought of Tim's mother. He failed to save her from the minotaur, and now she was dead. He wished he could bring her back, but unfortunately, his powers over the dead limit him to summoning the undead warriors. He didn't inherit his father's powers to look into the dead's memories or watch over them as they trained in the Asylum. Or maybe he did, but he was too weak to do it. He doubted that. To inherit that ability he would probably have to have been born immortal.

He didn't notice how much time passed as a result of his Adhd. so he quickly finished his meal and ran to his cabin. He took his sword which was now in the form of a ring and a dagger and put it at his ankle as well as hiding two knives in his waist. He packed ambrosia and nectar and went to get the other members of his quest.

He went to Thalia's pine, where Tim, Grover and Annabeth met him there. Percy could sense a soul in the tree. He heard the stories of the tree. A daughter of Zeus was struck down by a cyclops trying to protect her friends. Her life force, however, was still there. She was alive "I will save you, I swear on the Styx" Percy muttered quietly.

"Ready to go?" Tim asked

"Yeah" Percy replied as he got two more yes from Annabeth and Grover. "Alright, we will firstly be taking a bus to new jersey," Percy said but got interrupted by Tim. "A car!?! That's like an hour and a half." He shouted "Actually an hour and 38 minutes," Annabeth said. "Anyway, if we go by plane it would be like half an hour," Grover said. "Not really, 32 minutes," Annabeth said again getting a glare from Tim and Grover. She blushed in embarrassment. "Daughter of Athena" She muttered. "Anyways," Percy said. "We are going by bus because I am pretty sure Zeus would strike us out of his domain. One because we are marked traitors, and two because you," He points at Tim, "are a son of Poseidon" Tim got a look of realization on his face as well as Grover, " Oh" the boys said. "Seaweed brain" Annabeth muttered.

"Argus should be here in...3...2...1" A horn was sounded to which Annabeth smirked at being correct. The boys rolled their eyes and got into the car to go to the bus station. "Just a check, everyone has their weapons," Percy asked. "Annabeth took out her Dagger and her Yankee cap. Percy showed his sword in ring form. "Luke gave me this pair of flying shoes. He said they should be helpful" Tim said. Percy and Annabeth paled at the sight. Annabeth quickly snatched the shoes out of his hands and gave them to Grover. "Hey come on," Tim complained. "Again if you want to keep your life, do not go into Lord Zeus' domain," Annabeth said. "Why give them to me?" Grover asked chewing on a tin can. "You are not on Zeus' bad side" Percy answered for her.

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