Chapter 7

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"Are everyone's parents coming tomorrow?" Jeff asked as they ate lunch together.

"My dad isn't, obviously." Sebastian said, to which David agreed.

"Why aren't your two dads coming?" Thad asked, not yet familiar with everyone's family dynamics.

"Huh? Oh yeah, forgot you were new to the group." Sebastian said. "My dad's in France... and a dick."

"And my dad isn't in my life anymore." David told him. Thad could hear the tension in both of their explanations, and wished he had never asked.

"So, other than their dads, everyone else coming, yeah?" Jeff asked, and no one spoke up. "Cool!"


Wes' parents were the first to arrive.

Wes turned his head away from his friends, seeing his parent's approach, and his smile was immediately wiped away.

He stood up, making sure his blazer looked okay, looked perfect, before walking over to his parents. "Mom, dad."

"Hello Wesley, how are your studies?" His dad asked, getting straight to the point.

"Good sir, I'm at the top of all my classes."

"As to be expected, of course." His dad replied, giving no form of praise. "Are you in the same dorm as before?"

"Yes, we don't more dorms."

"Take us to your dorm then."

"Wes' parents look scary." Thad observed, frowning as they walked away.

"Oh, they are." Kurt replied. "They're very strict and just... bland."

"Wes doesn't really seem pleased to be with them." Thad added, as he saw the resigned and almost fearful look on Wes' face when he saw his parents.

"Yeah, we've all kind of gathered that it's a strained relationship, but we don't want to upset him or invade his privacy by asking." Kurt said, filing his nails down. "One day he'll probably break and tell us though."

"Yeah, maybe." Thad said quietly. "You excited to see your parents?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen my dad in forever, and it'll be nice to see Carol and Finn, even if I want to strangle him most of the time."

Thad frowned, confused. "Carol and Finn?"

"Oh yeah, forgot you don't know this stuff." Kurt said with a chuckle. "Carol is my step-mom and Finn is her son, my step-brother. That'll be obvious when you see him and see we look nothing alike."

"Oh, did your parents get divorced? I'm so sorry." Thad said, trying his best to offer his most sympathetic smile, but wiped it away when he saw Kurt laugh.

"No, no, my parents loved each other." Kurt said, smiling sadly to himself. "My mom died when I was eight."

God, Thad was such an idiot. "Oh! I'm so sorry Kurt, I had no idea."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Blaine assumed the same and didn't stop apologising for weeks." Kurt said with a grin. "She was happy when she died, with her family, so it's not too bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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