spongebob laid there on the ground in a pool of his own goop. "oh gary where'd i go wrong" he squared out to no response, gary had already left. gary was on his way to the casino; he had killed spingbebon for his money :(( spongebob was s gasping for water when a familiar voice spoke out to him "need some help spongebro?" PATRICK STAR IS BACK!!!!!!! woooo ibby!!
patrick picked asoingbob up and carried him to the bikini botto hopital :DD!!! spongebob live!!! "i live"!! " now let's get that fucker "
the song "vamp anthem" by playboi carti starts playing as the venture to gary :( <— sadgary had a gun and gary used his gary gun and shitshit shot gary bullets into spongebob oh noooo nooo spingebob nooo. lol nevermind he's a sponge it went into one of the sponge hole lol he's good 🤣🤣 gary apologized and they all lived happily ever after :D 3
thsi stoey was brough to to you by nintendo, they paid me to include a nintendo switch, but i didn't so fuck tou nintendo i'm not giving the money back 🖕.
[A/N : nintendo didn't pay me im lying. i'm also abandoning thsi story i'm sorry spongefans there won't be a part 2]