My skin color is my pride
The way I walk is my confidence
The way I dress is how I express myself
My hair is how I connect with my ancestors
It maybe short but it'd part of my beauty
Trying every style that I like because freedom of expression is my cup of tea
It maybe long and I like it able to try all the styles but ending up with a puff
There call it ghetto when I try different hair colors whether it be braids, wigs or weaves
Judgement comes along with my hair and opportunities are lost
But to a different race different her color is embraced
It is called change for the better
And sometimes is called a "glow up"
But because of my colour it is called "doing too much "
My natural curls and coils guide my face to showcase it's unique shape followed by a wide nose that is sunned by the beauty standard community
Who are there to tell me what beauty is
When I am the epitome of beauty
My lips are sculptured to perfection to curve out the words that I speak
My words hold weight to my soul meant to pass a message to those willing to listen
My manner of speaking showcases where I came from and my culture
My way of speaking is too ghetto for them
My way of speaking is too much for them
My way of speaking is too barbaric for them
My way of speaking is too fake for them
And sometimes my way of speaking is too American for then
My way of speaking is charismatic
My way of speaking is respectful
My way of speaking is sarcasm
My way of speaking is nothing but perfect in my eyes
I could go on about all my flaws that make me
Loving myself was accepting who I was
Loving me took acceptance and realization
And the I'm glad I did
To every black girl out there you are beautiful 🤗♥️
Power To She
Poetrypoems and writings inspired by and on different black women Women rooting for each other The power in beign a black woman