checkered tile

26 0 0

"Do not drag me around like this!"

"We are connected by link have you no sense?!"

The flaxen haired boy pulled to one end

While the blunette the other

"Where even are you trying to get you poof!"

"Like bloody hell I know!"

"Then why do you persist?!"

"Leave me alone!"


Their arguing never seemed to cease

But at least it drowned to a subtle the silence of this 


Where ever did their headspace even take place at?

It was empty



A chamber of the most exquisite sadness.

Alois was starting to rethink

Wanting to apologize to this lout in the first place.

Then maybe they wouldn't be here now.

Highly doubtable. 

They had finally settled.

Back to back

Arm to arm

On that cold tiled floor

The silence chipped 

As they both tuned in and out of their bodies shared consciousness.

While the other channeled into their shared eyes

The latter would sit in solitude

And think. 

They would report back to eachother what they did 

During their shared minutes of outside world veiw.

"I kicked that intolerable butler in the face."

"Good move..."

Chamber Of Exquisite Sadness - {Cielois}Where stories live. Discover now