Dad's New Customer

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Oh no.

Oh Man,

Oh Boy,

Oh Golly,

Oh Gosh.

Please do not tell me this is happening. I was always the first to arrive at school! I'd have at least thought my academic rival would be a biotchy undeserving female. Instead, it was a snap-happy-go-crappy guy who had outlasted me in two weeks! Even worse, all over the Alyshya High social media, there were comments about how Alison and Nameless were so going to be together, it was so obvious, Alison likes him, blah blah blah. Do these people have a life to live other than Alison's? But that wasn't the problem.

"Hey Alison, can you stop pacing? I'm going to puke from motion sickness. How fast can you move in a short space? And you dragged me here illegally to watch you pace? If your dad catches me here, he is going to ruin my family! This better be good", yawned Adeline, 5 hours later.

I continued to pace in front of my room's window seat. More of a sofa, really. Occupied with Adeline, gossip magazines, chocolate eclairs and assorted pillows, which Adeline was now shifting impatiently in. I stopped, and fidgeted in front of her. Maybe I should close the curtains, really, I asked for a cosier, smaller, higher win-


"Thats the third time I've been interrupted!" I snapped.

"Inturrupted what, your pacing? You weren't even saying anything!" Adeline said.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"I hate you."

"Don't lie."


"So why'd you bring me here?" Adeline continued while rifling through a magazine and absentmindedly braiding a lock of her hair.

"I need boy advice."

I'm pretty sure she would have yanked out that braid of hair.

"What? You haven't needed boy advice in, what, 7 years? The last time you needed boy advice was in 2nd grade! What's up?" She spluttered.

"You know the new guy?"


"He's in every single one of my classes, he's made me trip up at least twice, and his locker is next to mine!"

"If it's any comfort I'm on your other side."

"That's irrelevant."

"What are you suggesting we do?"

"I'm sorry, 'we'?"

"Yeah, I have got to help you with this. And here I thought the problem was that you didn't have a guy."

"I freaking don't want a stupid guy!"

"That.....uh......what's his name?"

"I don't know! Nameless?!"

"Nameless isn't stupid."

"If my dad finds out about me saying so much as the word 'boy', I'm going to have to wave bye-bye to access to the tanning salon!''

"Oh shiz, really- wait, is that your dad? I think I can hear him coming! I'm going to die, I'll-"

"I'll check the security cameras for him while you freak out."

All the devices in our campus are rigged to all the security features. My parents gave me permission to permanently disable theirs, because they don't like the look of each other. That's good, because they can't check up on me and I can on them.

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