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It has been two weeks since I've been rescued from drowning in glitter.

Nameless had turned Alashya High around. He came First in everything, finished everything first, did everything first, and ended up winning the half yearly Halfway Aylshya Award. In two weeks.

I .was. furious.

They were neck to neck. If I didn't step my game up, Nameless would get the Alyshya First Award! Noooooo! That couldn't happen!I slid into my circular king size bed trembling at the thought.

It was Alyshya End Day, the awards ceremony. It was a glamorous and exciting occasion, but for me it had a grey slimy film on everything. I stumbled around, soaking wet with the rain outside, make-up streaming down her face.I needed to find a bathroom to clean up, NOW. Even though I knew the school, the auditorium got bigger and bigger and I couldn't find the bathroom. Finally! There it was!I had never been so grateful in her life. But, what? That wasn't right, the white door shouldn't be turning into a white award reciever robe. No, there weren't even white robes. Except...the white grade Alyshya First Award robe. No, no, no, she didn't have her robe yet. I should have that robe. I have won the award for 3 years straight! Who was it? The figure in the robe turned around, and flashed cloudy green eyes.......Nameless had RUIN-

I woke up panting. A maid burst in through the nearest door.

"Sweetie! Are you okay? I heard screaming!"she gasped.

"I, uh, had a nightmare", I stuttered."I'll be fine".

"Alright". She sounded unconvinced. "If you need me I'll be in the staff quarters."

The Staff Quarters is a short, wide building, quite beautiful actually. It was just off the Rose Garden, way too far if I ever needed help. Then again, i could just call security......never mind.

I decided to take a bath. Then have a drink.Then read a book. It was no use. I could not get back to sleep. This is terrible! Without at least 8 hours of sleep, I'd shrivel, I'd wither, I'd-

That's when my body decided to conk out. How many times have I been interrupted?

Nameless would probably get to sleep First.

Today is a new day, today is a new day... I chanted as I sashayed down the empty hallways. Sashaying is something else my Mum taught me. Today is a new day-

I swung open my locker. Then fell over in surprise.

Why is Nameless in front of my locker? He. will. Pay.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT MY LOCKER???!!!" I screeched. Not too high, mind you.

"Um, visiting mine?"


"My locker is next to yours! See?" He beamed while gesturing to the aforementioned locker. "And can I see your schedule?"


He compared his schedule to mine.

"We have exactly the same schedule!"

Wait. What.


I leaned in close and narrowed my eyes.

"Don't. Cramp. My. Style." I hissed through my teeth. He laughed and walked away."

I dialed Adeline.

"What's up." came the silvery reply.

"My place, after school, be at my car, don't be late."

"What, why, you know your dad's policy-"


I snapped my phone off and trudged(so that's what it feels like) off to......anywhere but the direction of which Nameless walked in.

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