Adeline Running

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Well, maybe I needed to be more careful.....

The next day was a Friday. It was usually a day of get-school-over-with, but for me, it was not a day for anything, bit to closely observe this stranger. He is going to replace me, just as I replaced the last queen (she was worse a biotch then I'll ever be). That can not, will not, would not, and should not happen.

Back to the present!

I glide through the hallways even earlier than usual. Cafeteria, okay, Library, okay, My locker hallway-

Oh dang. Nameless?

He's behind his locker door.

I'm behind it when he closes it.

"Oh hi. I mean, uh, GAH! I didn't see you there. Was that the right reaction, Allisooooon?"

"What's your name?" I growled.

"Prince-" he started, before Adeline came running down the hall.

Wait, since when did
She skidded to a sharp stop in front of us, millimeters away from stabbing Namelesses' feet with her signature heels, which was the  baby pink as her cheeks and blush.

"A-li-son! - pant - come on - pant - no time - pant - explain later, oh boy...."

Adeline leant on her knees.

I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Oh hey there, uh, Nameless, I think - pant - can you give me and Alison here a sec? Or a few hours? Emergency - pant - can't explain...."
"ALISON! I'M SERIOUS - pant - come on, we need to get to your house.."

I spun around to face Nameless.

"Well, we'll be going..." I sighed.

"Wait! I'll come with you-"

Adeline swooned.

"You know, to make sure you, uh,  come out okay..."

Adeline squealed.

"Whatever, let's go!" I muttered.

"Good." panted Adeline. "Come on!"

Adeline grabbed my wrists and Prince Nameless's shirt. Then pulled us forward with amazing force. Well, more like dragged us behind her, her heels making huge cracks! That resonated through the empty halls.

In the speed of light, Adeline had us out the front of the school, and yelled at me until I delivered my signature (me and Adeline had lots of signature things) ear - piercing whistle. Although I had no idea what she needed it for-

Is that a chopper?

Yep. Adeline's family chopper chop-chop-chopped into view over the school and plopped in front of us. Wow, the driver was really in a hurry. Adeline hurled us in and jumped on as the helicopter was rising into the air.

On the way to who-knows-where, I took the entire time screeching at Adeline about how she ruined my hair, my nails, my outfit, while she had her earplugs in and was calmly listening while Prince Nameless was leaning against the wall, smirking at every time I unsuccessfully tried to take out Adeline's earplugs out, failed the cursed about how I had just chipped my nail doing so.

I wonder why I even bother.

At last we touched down. On a healthy manicured lawn out the front of..... MY HOUSE?!

AND....ambulances were surrounding my campus. MY CAMPUS! MY CAAAAMMPUUS!

I leaped out and sprinted across the lawn to my campus. A lady with bunions on her neck (how is that possible?) stopped me, and ushered me to the big glass double doors, that were smashed down. Added to my list of problems.

The lady hurried away, her nurse uniform crinkling horribly. And she came back with my dad, white faced and white knuckled.

Then the nurse stepped back and announced that my mother was in a critical condition. She took us to my bedroom, the one where Celine and Dad visited me.

And there, spawled in the bed, was Mum, her eyes rolled back in her head and her hand firmly clutching a bottle of Jack Daniels.


The next moments were a blur.

Adeline came in just as I launched myself at the bed.

She locked me in her iron grip while medics came and took Mum away on a stretcher.

Adeline put me in the ambulance with my mum and made soothing noises as I cried my eyes out on her shoulder, stained with my mascara tears while the vehicle stirred into action qnd moved us onto the road.

I finished my crying.

The nurse came and told the whole story.

I hate my Dad.

The rest of the way I stared at the diamond wedding ring on Mum's hand. The one holding Jack Daniels.

Its all my fault.

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