Hi, I'm Nameless.

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Well, now, I've fainted from blood loss. Just swell. I'm in that bleak, senseless world of semi-consciousness. I can feel my limp body being carried to the sick bay, then a screech of an ambulance siren. Doors slam. Then nothing. I can see the headlines of the school paper: GLITTER PRANK GONE WRONG: WHO'S TO BLAME?

After that, the white of the paper turns into the white hospital ceiling, and the inky letters into the overhead fan.

"Well, look who's awake!"

Huh? That's the same voice I heard before. Shy, but strong. And Sweet.

I'm not bothered to look. Who is? Oh, right, other people. My neck hurts anyway.

"Um, Alison? ALISON!"

I don't care.


Still don't care.


A head with molten gold hair peers over my vision, equipped with cloudy emerald eyes and a clear burnt honey tan. He smiles a small, shy, bazillion watt smile. I don't think even I could pull that off.

I still don't care. I glare at him.

"So, you okay?", he asks.

"Depends how you look at it", I snap.

He's obviously taunting me. Or that is a look of confusion.

I'm still lying down. With a scowl.

"Wow! You've been scowling for like, since you opened your locker! How fascinating! I never knew a human brain could chemically force the facial muscles into strain for that long!"

Obviously a hunky science nerd. Ugh.

"Yeah, I have, because I had a crappy day, and someone has attempted TO DROWN ME IN GLITTER, YOU-", I start.

"Awesome, generous savior of mine!", he finishes.

I'm stunned. He? No way. Actually, yes way. He's quite built. And I'm not heavy.

I let out something between a hiss and a growl. "Oh, is Ashely a little angwy, now?", he snickered.I take back shy. I spring off the bed, grab his right arm, spin around, and flip him onto the hospital bed, so that he was lying horizontally across it. That wiped the smirk off his face. "What's your name, jerk?" I hissed. Gasping, he spluttered; "Uh, um... "

I twisted his arm so that it would dislocate if he or I moved.

"I'M NOT ALLOWED TO SAAAAAAAY!!" He screeched. "Just don't call me a name!"

I let go.

"Well, Nameless... " I said, pacing around to stand at the edge of the bed.

"Pfft, yeah, Hi, I'm Nameless."

"Whoever you are, why do you dare to even touch me?!"

Before Mum became a hot mess, she used to save one hour a day, just for me, to teach me how to live. I still follow her rules. It's one of the only happy memories that keep me going. Lesson #45 was Stranger Touches are not what they Seem.

I could not believe he had the audacity to taunt me. I rule the school! Lesson 56# If can't beat it, rule it.

"Uh, no one else was going to help you."

"Fine. But who are you?"

"I told you! I am not allowed to say my na- "

"No, you twit. Why haven't I seen you around?"

"I just moved here, from Eton."

Eton? He must be rolling. That was a school for the Royalty. In Britain! What was a guy from Eton doing in Australia?

"What? Where's your title, Nameless, and how come you don't have a British accent?"

"That's Prince Nameless to you! My background is British, but I don't have a stupid accent, thank you very much. What about you? Who are you?"


"I'm Alison. Alison Ashely. School President "

"Hey there."

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