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I couldn't believe it. How stupid could I really be thinking I had a chance? But Jeongyeon had a chance. She had all the chances. Why wasn't it me? It's not fair.

"Well, life's not fair, but you know what? It's not fair for anyone so that makes it fair."

I huff in annoyance. How is Yuna so wise? I swear she's a 40 year old trapped in a 18 year old's body.

"But anyway. How was Geography?" She asks with a sly smile on her face.

"Great, as always. I can't believe my dad's making me do it for A level." I roll my eyes. "But it will be even worse now, with Jeongyeon bragging constantly. She's such a bitch."

Someone behind me clears their throat. I turn around to see Jeongyeon standing there with her arms folded. "H-hi Jeongyeon, h-how are you?" I splutter.

"I don't know, how would you be if someone you thought was your friend just called you a bitch?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Uhhhhh hmmm I don't know..." I laugh awkwardly as eyes desperately plead Yuna for help. She just shrugs as if she has no idea what I'm on about. You cow, I'll get you back later, I promise you, I say to myself as I glare at her and she teasingly smiles back.

"Look, just apologise so I can tell you my plan." She says.

Plan? A plan? For what? And apologise? For what? I didn't do anything except speak facts.

I sigh deeply. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch. It's not your fault - some people just can't help it." I hear Yuna sigh and when I look over at her she rolls her eyes. What? I mouth at her. She only rolls her eyes again.

"Fine." I say, exasperated. "You aren't... Too much of a bitch. Now, what is this 'plan' you speak of?"

Jeongyeon smirks. "I'll tell you, but first... We'll have to somewhere more... Private."

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